Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Explore the basic geography of Ethiopia 45 minutes World map, pictures of Ethiopia Ask students if they know anything about Ethiopia. Show them a world map and locate Ethiopia. Discuss its location, neighboring countries, and major geographical features. Divide students into small groups and provide each group with pictures of different geographical features in Ethiopia. Have them discuss and present their findings to the class. Review the main geographical features of Ethiopia as a class. Encourage students to ask questions and share interesting facts. Observe students' active participation in group discussions and their ability to identify and describe geographical features of Ethiopia.
Lesson 2 Identify at least 3 facts about Addis Ababa 45 minutes Pictures or information about Addis Ababa, writing materials Show pictures or provide information about Addis Ababa. Discuss with students what they already know about the capital city of Ethiopia. Divide students into pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of facts or pictures about Addis Ababa. Have them read, discuss, and identify at least 3 facts about the city. Allow groups to share their findings and create a class list of interesting facts about Addis Ababa. Assess students' ability to identify and communicate at least 3 facts about Addis Ababa.
Lesson 3 Identify 1 famous landmark in Ethiopia outside of Addis Ababa 45 minutes Pictures or information about famous landmarks in Ethiopia, writing materials Discuss the concept of landmarks and their significance. Ask students if they know any famous landmarks in Ethiopia outside of the capital city. Provide students with pictures or information about different famous landmarks in Ethiopia. Ask them to choose one and write a short description of it. Invite students to share their chosen landmarks and descriptions with the class. Discuss the importance of these landmarks for tourism and cultural significance. Evaluate students' ability to identify and describe at least 1 famous landmark in Ethiopia outside of Addis Ababa.
Lesson 4 Produce a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Ethiopia 60 minutes Internet access or books about Ethiopia, writing and drawing materials Introduce the concept of a tour guide and its purpose. Explain that students will be creating a tour guide for someone planning to visit Ethiopia. Provide students with resources such as books or internet access to research different tourist attractions, landmarks, culture, and traditions in Ethiopia. Guide them to compile the information into a tour guide format, including maps, descriptions, and recommendations. Allow students to present their tour guides to the class. Encourage questions and discussions about the different attractions and cultural aspects of Ethiopia. Evaluate students' tour guides based on their ability to provide accurate and engaging information about Ethiopia's tourist attractions.