Lesson 1: Exploring the Basic Geography of Equatorial Guinea |
Time Allocation: 45 minutes Resources Needed: Map of Equatorial Guinea, colored pencils, worksheets Introduction: Show the map of Equatorial Guinea and discuss its location in Africa. Development: Have students label the map with major cities, rivers, and surrounding countries. Conclusion: Discuss key geographical features and differences between Equatorial Guinea and other countries. Assessment: Quiz students on the geography of Equatorial Guinea. |
Lesson 2: Identifying Facts about Malabo |
Time Allocation: 60 minutes Resources Needed: Pictures of Malabo, fact sheets about Malabo Introduction: Introduce Malabo as the capital city of Equatorial Guinea. Development: Students research and present at least 3 facts about Malabo to the class. Conclusion: Discuss the importance of Malabo as the capital city. Assessment: Evaluate student presentations on Malabo. |
Lesson 3: Exploring Famous Landmarks in Equatorial Guinea |
Time Allocation: 45 minutes Resources Needed: Pictures of landmarks, fact sheets Introduction: Introduce the concept of landmarks and their significance. Development: Students research and present on a famous landmark in Equatorial Guinea outside of Malabo. Conclusion: Discuss the importance of preserving cultural landmarks. Assessment: Evaluate student presentations on famous landmarks. |
Lesson 4: Creating a Tour Guide for Equatorial Guinea |
Time Allocation: 90 minutes Resources Needed: Brochures, travel guides, writing materials Introduction: Discuss the purpose of a tour guide and its importance for tourists. Development: Students work in groups to create a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Equatorial Guinea. Conclusion: Present and share the tour guides with the class. Assessment: Evaluate the creativity and information included in the tour guides. |