Lesson Plan Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Objective 1 45 minutes Biography of Emmeline Pankhurst, pictures of suffragettes Introduce Emmeline Pankhurst and explain her significance Read and discuss her biography, create a timeline of her life Reflect on what was learned and discuss the impact of Emmeline Pankhurst Quiz the students on key facts about Emmeline Pankhurst
Lesson 2 Objective 2 45 minutes Articles or books about suffrage movement, pictures of protests Discuss the contributions of Emmeline Pankhurst to society and culture Explore the suffrage movement and the impact of Pankhurst's leadership Reflect on how Pankhurst's work influenced the world and society Group discussion on the importance of activism and standing up for one's beliefs
Lesson 3 Objective 3 60 minutes Worksheet with questions about Pankhurst's life and its relevance to the child Make connections between Emmeline Pankhurst and the child's life Discuss the rights and opportunities children have today compared to the past Have students complete the worksheet and share their thoughts Review the worksheets and assess understanding of the connections made
Lesson 4 Objective 4 60 minutes Large poster paper, markers, pictures of Emmeline Pankhurst Introduce the concept of a timeline Create a timeline of Emmeline Pankhurst's life using pictures and key events Discuss the timeline and its significance Assess the accuracy and completeness of the timeline
Lesson 5 Objective 2 45 minutes Video or audio clips about the suffrage movement, discussion questions Explore the impact of Emmeline Pankhurst's work on her time Watch or listen to clips about the suffrage movement Discuss the key events and Pankhurst's role in the movement Participate in a group discussion on the impact of the suffrage movement
Lesson 6 Objective 1, Objective 4 60 minutes Art supplies, printed pictures of Emmeline Pankhurst Review Emmeline Pankhurst and her significance Engage in a creative activity where students draw or paint a portrait of Pankhurst Display and discuss the artwork, reflecting on the impact of Pankhurst's life Assess the students' understanding through their artwork and class participation