Lesson 1 Objective 1
Time Allocation: 45 minutes Resources Needed: Biography of Eileen Gray, pictures of her work
Introduction: Discuss the concept of an inspirational woman and ask the children if they know any examples. Introduce Eileen Gray as an inspirational woman and provide a brief overview of her life. Development: Read aloud the biography of Eileen Gray and show pictures of her work. Encourage children to ask questions and discuss their thoughts on her achievements.
Conclusion: Recap the main points about Eileen Gray and her significance. Ask children to share one thing they found interesting about her. Assessment: Have children write a short paragraph about Eileen Gray, highlighting what they learned about her.
Lesson 2 Objective 2
Time Allocation: 60 minutes Resources Needed: Examples of Eileen Gray's designs, paper, markers
Introduction: Review the previous lesson and ask children to recall some of Eileen Gray's achievements. Explain that today they will explore her contributions to society and culture. Development: Show examples of Eileen Gray's designs and discuss their unique features. Encourage children to think about how her work impacted the world at that time and how it continues to influence design today.
Conclusion: Have a class discussion about the impact Eileen Gray had on society and culture. Ask children to share their thoughts on how her work inspires them. Assessment: In pairs, have children create a poster showcasing one of Eileen Gray's designs and explain its significance.
Lesson 3 Objective 3
Time Allocation: 45 minutes Resources Needed: Paper, markers, magazines
Introduction: Discuss the concept of connecting historical figures to our own lives. Ask children to think about how Eileen Gray's work might relate to their own experiences. Development: Have children create a mind map or collage illustrating how Eileen Gray's designs and ideas could be incorporated into their own lives.
Conclusion: Allow children to share their mind maps or collages and explain their connections to Eileen Gray's work. Assessment: Observe and assess children's ability to make connections between Eileen Gray's work and their own lives.
Lesson 4 Objective 4
Time Allocation: 60 minutes Resources Needed: Paper, markers, timeline template
Introduction: Explain that a timeline is a visual representation of events in chronological order. Discuss the importance of creating a timeline to understand the life of Eileen Gray. Development: Provide children with a timeline template and have them research and fill in important dates and events from Eileen Gray's life.
Conclusion: Allow children to share their timelines and discuss the key events in Eileen Gray's life. Assessment: Evaluate children's timelines for accuracy and completeness.
Lesson 5 Objective 2
Time Allocation: 45 minutes Resources Needed: Paper, markers, art supplies
Introduction: Review Eileen Gray's contributions to society and culture. Explain that today, the children will create their own design inspired by her work. Development: Provide art supplies and encourage children to create a design for a piece of furniture or a building, incorporating elements inspired by Eileen Gray's style.
Conclusion: Allow children to share their designs and explain the elements they incorporated from Eileen Gray's work. Assessment: Assess children's ability to incorporate elements of Eileen Gray's style into their own designs.
Lesson 6 Objective 3
Time Allocation: 45 minutes Resources Needed: Chart paper, markers
Introduction: Have children recall their connections to Eileen Gray's work from the previous lesson. Explain that today they will create a class chart highlighting the relevance of her work to their lives. Development: In small groups, have children brainstorm and discuss how Eileen Gray's designs could be adapted for modern use. Each group can then add their ideas to the class chart.
Conclusion: Present the class chart and discuss the various ways Eileen Gray's designs can still be relevant and useful today. Assessment: Assess children's ability to make connections between Eileen Gray's work and modern applications.