Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 1 hour Printouts of Edward Hopper's artwork, Nighthawks - Introduce Edward Hopper as a famous artist
- Show examples of his artwork, specifically Nighthawks
- Discuss the painting, its mood, and its elements
- Engage in a class discussion about the artwork
- Analyze the use of color, light, and perspective in Nighthawks
- Encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions
- Recap the main points discussed
- Encourage students to look for inspiration in everyday scenes
- Observe students' participation in the discussion
- Assess their understanding of the elements of Nighthawks
Lesson 2 1 hour Painting materials (canvas, paints, brushes) - Review Edward Hopper's main art medium (painting)
- Show examples of other Hopper paintings using the same medium
- Provide each student with a small canvas and painting materials
- Instruct them to create their own painting inspired by Nighthawks using the same medium
- Give students time to complete their paintings
- Allow them to share their work with the class
- Assess students' ability to use the painting medium
- Evaluate their creativity and interpretation of Nighthawks
Lesson 3 1 hour Printouts of various images inspired by Nighthawks - Introduce the concept of creating original images inspired by artwork
- Show examples of various images inspired by Nighthawks
- Engage in a class discussion about the different images
- Analyze how they are inspired by Nighthawks and what elements they share
- Encourage students to create their own original image inspired by Nighthawks
- Provide them with materials to do so (paper, pencils, markers)
- Assess students' ability to create an original image inspired by Nighthawks
- Evaluate their understanding of the elements that make it inspired by the artwork
Lesson 4 1 hour Craft materials (glue, scissors, colored paper) - Explain the concept of sharing artwork in an interesting way
- Show examples of creative ways to present artwork
- Instruct students to create a 3D diorama or pop-up card inspired by Nighthawks
- Provide them with craft materials to bring their ideas to life
- Allow students time to complete their diorama or pop-up card
- Encourage them to share their work with the class in an interesting way
- Assess students' ability to create a 3D artwork inspired by Nighthawks
- Evaluate their creativity in presenting their work
Lesson 5 1 hour Printouts of Nighthawks painting - Recap the main elements and mood of Nighthawks
- Discuss the importance of storytelling in art
- Instruct students to write a short story inspired by Nighthawks
- Encourage them to incorporate the elements and mood of the painting into their story
- Provide time for students to write their stories
- Allow a few volunteers to share their stories with the class
- Assess students' ability to incorporate elements and mood of Nighthawks into their stories
- Evaluate their creativity and storytelling skills
Lesson 6 1 hour Classroom display area - Discuss the importance of displaying and appreciating artwork
- Show examples of different ways to display artwork
- Allow students to choose their favorite artwork created during the lessons
- Assist them in preparing the artwork for display
- Create an interesting display of the students' artwork inspired by Nighthawks
- Allow time for the class to appreciate and discuss the displayed artwork
- Observe students' participation in preparing the artwork for display
- Assess their ability to appreciate and discuss the displayed artwork