Lesson 1: Earth Day Story
Objective 1
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Storybook on Earth Day, pictures of Earth Day celebrations
Introduction: Introduce the concept of Earth Day celebrated in Humanism and its importance.
Development: Read the story of Earth Day, discuss its roots and history with the students.
Conclusion: Encourage students to think about the significance of Earth Day and why it is celebrated.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture depicting Earth Day celebrations and write a short paragraph about what they learned.
Lesson 2: Earth Day Symbols
Objective 2
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Posters of Earth Day symbols, craft materials
Introduction: Discuss the symbols and traditions associated with Earth Day celebrated in Humanism.
Development: Show different symbols, have students create their own Earth Day symbol using craft materials.
Conclusion: Share and explain the symbols created by students, discussing their significance.
Assessment: Evaluate students' understanding by asking them to explain the symbol they created and why they chose it.
Lesson 3: Earth Day Connection
Objective 3
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Journals, pictures of nature
Introduction: Discuss how Earth Day connects to the students' lives and the environment around them.
Development: Have students write in their journals about how they can contribute to Earth Day celebrations in their own way.
Conclusion: Share some of the journal entries and have a group discussion on different ways to celebrate Earth Day.
Assessment: Assess students' journals for their understanding of the connection between Earth Day and their lives.
Lesson 4: Earth Day Concepts Exploration
Objective 4
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Interactive online resources, Earth Day concept cards
Introduction: Introduce various concepts related to Earth Day celebrated in Humanism.
Development: Use interactive resources to explore concepts like environmental protection, sustainability, and conservation.
Conclusion: Engage students in a discussion about the importance of these concepts for Earth Day celebrations.
Assessment: Have a quiz or discussion to assess students' understanding of the explored concepts.