All about Earth Day

Earth Day is a special day celebrated by people all around the world to show love and care for our planet, Earth. It is a day when we think about how we can help protect our environment and make sure it stays healthy for all living things.

On Earth Day, we learn about ways to reduce waste, save energy, and recycle things we no longer need. We also talk about planting trees, cleaning up parks and beaches, and taking care of animals.

Humanism is a belief that focuses on the importance of people and their happiness, but also values the well-being of the Earth and all its creatures. Humanists believe that we have a responsibility to take care of the planet and make sure it is a safe and beautiful place for everyone to live.

So, on Earth Day, humanists join together with people of all backgrounds to celebrate our love for the Earth and work together to protect it for future generations. It is a day to appreciate the beauty of nature and to remember that we all have a part to play in keeping our planet healthy and thriving.

  1. Why is Earth Day celebrated?
  2. What are some activities people do on Earth Day?
  3. What is humanism and how does it relate to Earth Day?
  4. How do humanists and people of all backgrounds come together on Earth Day?
  5. What can you do to help protect the Earth for future generations?

Symbols and Traditions

Earth Day is a special day when people all around the world celebrate and show love for our planet, Earth. Humanism is a belief that values the importance of people and their actions on Earth. On Earth Day, Humanists use symbols like the tree to represent growth and life, and the globe to show that we are all connected and share the same planet.

  1. What is one symbol used by Humanists on Earth Day to represent growth and life?
  2. How do Humanists show that we are all connected and share the same planet on Earth Day?
  3. Why is planting trees a tradition on Earth Day in Humanism?
  4. Explain the significance of cleaning up litter in parks and beaches on Earth Day for Humanists.
  5. How does Earth Day in Humanism encourage people to make a positive impact on the world?

My Family and Earth Day

Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm 8 years old. I live in Ireland, a beautiful country with lush green landscapes and stunning coastlines. Today, I want to share with you how my family celebrates Earth Day, a special day when people all around the world show love for our planet, Earth.

  1. Earth Day is important to Humanists like my family because we believe in the value of people and their actions on Earth. On this day, we use symbols like the tree to represent growth and life, and the globe to show that we are all connected and share the same planet.
  2. One tradition we have on Earth Day is planting trees. Trees clean the air we breathe and provide homes for animals. By planting trees, we show our care for the environment and help make the Earth a better place for everyone.
  3. Another tradition is cleaning up litter in parks and beaches. We believe in taking care of the Earth and keeping it clean for future generations. By picking up litter, we show respect for nature and help protect the animals that live in these places.
  4. Overall, Earth Day in Humanism is a time to appreciate our planet, take action to protect it, and work together to make a positive impact on the world.
  1. Why is Earth Day important to Humanists?
  2. What symbols do Humanists use to represent their beliefs on Earth Day?
  3. How do planting trees help the environment?
  4. Why is it important to clean up litter in parks and beaches?
  5. What is the overall goal of Earth Day in Humanism?

Comparing Earth Day to another Festival

After learning all about Earth Day, is there another festival that you celebrate or that you know that is similar in any way? Make a project comparing the similarities and differences between this festival and Earth Dayand think about what symbols and traditions that are part of it. Think about the story of the festival, if it has one, where it is mainly celebrated - whether it is one country or all over the world. You can produce the project using any medium whether it's paper or on a laptop.

Slideshow - Earth Day
A full set of teaching plans for Earth Dayteaching.