Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Dysart Co. Laois 1 hour Internet, books on local history, video documentaries Introduce the area of Dysart Co. Laois and its historical significance
  • Activity 1: Research the origin of the placename Dysart
  • Activity 2: Timeline creation of important historical events of Dysart
  • Activity 3: Watch a documentary about Dysart's history
Summarize the key historical events and significance of Dysart Assess through a quiz on the history of Dysart
2: Notable Person from the Area 1 hour Internet, books on the person Introduce the notable person from the area
  • Activity 1: Biography reading of the person
  • Activity 2: Discussion on the contributions of the person
  • Activity 3: Role play of a day in the life of the person
Summarize the contributions of the notable person from the area Assess through a written essay about the notable person
3: Natural Geography of Dysart 1 hour Maps, Internet, field trip (if possible) Introduce the natural geography of Dysart
  • Activity 1: Map reading of Dysart's natural geography
  • Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of Dysart's natural features
  • Activity 3: Field trip to a local natural feature (if possible)
Summarize the key natural features of Dysart Assess through a quiz on the natural geography of Dysart
4: Mapping Skills of Dysart 1 hour Maps, rulers, pencils Introduce how to use mapping skills
  • Activity 1: Map reading exercise
  • Activity 2: Creating a simple map of Dysart
  • Activity 3: Scavenger hunt using the map
Summarize how to use mapping skills and their importance Assess through a task of creating their own map of Dysart
5: Biodiversity of Dysart 1 hour Internet, local flora and fauna guidebooks Introduce the concept of biodiversity
  • Activity 1: Research the local flora and fauna
  • Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of biodiversity
  • Activity 3: Brainstorm ideas on how to protect the local biodiversity
Summarize the biodiversity of Dysart and how to protect it Assess through a presentation on a chosen local species and how to protect it
6: Art Inspired by Dysart 1 hour Art supplies Introduce how nature can inspire art
  • Activity 1: Nature walk for art inspiration
  • Activity 2: Drawing or painting a scene from Dysart
  • Activity 3: Discussing their art and what inspired them
Summarize how Dysart inspired their art Assess through an art showcase and discussion