Welcome to Duncormick

Duncormick is a special place in County Wexford, Ireland. It's not just a townland, it's a piece of history!

Hundreds of years ago, Duncormick was part of an old kingdom called "Uí Cheinnselaig." The kings of this kingdom lived in the area, long before we had cars or even bicycles!

Now, one of the coolest things about Duncormick is its name. It actually comes from an ancient Irish word 'Dún Cormaic' which means 'Cormac's Fort.' Cormac was probably a big, strong warrior or a king who lived in a hillfort here.

This townland is full of green fields and lovely animals. It's also near the sea, so people here used to do a lot of fishing. They even used to build boats!

Even though there aren't any kings or warriors living here now, Duncormick is still a very important place. Families live here, children go to school here, and every day, more history is being made.

Isn't it amazing to think about all the stories Duncormick could tell if it could talk? From ancient kings to today's school kids, it's a place full of history and life!

  1. What old kingdom was Duncormick once part of?
  2. What does the name 'Duncormick' mean?
  3. What kind of activities did people in Duncormick used to do because they were near the sea?
  4. Why do you think the history of Duncormick is important to the people who live there now?
  5. If Duncormick could talk, what kind of stories do you think it would tell? Use your imagination!

All About Duncormick

Duncormick is a charming little village in County Wexford, Ireland. It's a bit like a magical maze with curvy roads, and one of the most important roads is the R736. That's a big number for a small street, isn't it?

Duncormick is not all roads and houses though! It's like a giant, open-air classroom where Mother Nature teaches us about plants and animals. The Bannow Bay area nearby is a real-life bird zoo, home to all sorts of wonderful birds. You might see ducks, swans and even rare birds like the Little Egret and the Curlew.

If you're a fan of flowers, you'll be delighted to know that Duncormick has beautiful wildflowers like poppies and bluebells. And if you love trees, you'll find plenty of those too, like hawthorns and ash trees.

Duncormick is also near the sea and has a river called the River Muck. It's not as mucky as it sounds! It's a beautiful, flowing river where you might spot some fish if you're lucky. There aren't any mountains, but the land has gentle hills that are perfect for a fun, rolling-down-the-hill race!

So, Duncormick is a pretty cool place, right? It's full of roads, birds, trees, a river, and fun hills!

  1. What is the name of the river in Duncormick?
  2. Name two types of birds you might see in the Bannow Bay area.
  3. Using a map, can you find another town or village near Duncormick and describe how you would get there from Duncormick?
  4. What types of trees and flowers can you find in Duncormick?
  5. Explore Duncormick and its surroundings yourself. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? What is it and why do you think it's interesting?

My Family and Duncormick

Hi! I'm Riley and I'm 8 years old. I live in Duncormick, Co. Wexford. It's a quiet but fun place. My favourite spot is the Bannow Bay. It's full of birds and I like to watch them with my binoculars. I also love the old Rathangan Church ruins. They're kind of spooky but cool.

One of the best things about living here is the Duncormick Tractor Run. It's so cool to see all the tractors. I hope to drive one someday. The Bannow and Rathangan Show is also super fun. There's animals and crafts and tasty food.

My friends and I like to play in the Ambrosetown Lake. In the summer, we have picnics there. I love making daisy chains in the fields around the lake.

Living in Duncormick is great because there's always something to do and see. I can't wait to grow up here!

  1. What is Riley's favourite spot and why?
  2. Describe the Duncormick Tractor Run and the Bannow and Rathangan Show.
  3. What do Riley and friends do at Ambrosetown Lake?
  4. Why does Riley think living in Duncormick is great?
  5. What does Riley hope to do in the future?

The Logainm of Duncormick

Duncormick is a lovely village in County Wexford, Ireland. The name sounds quite unique, doesn't it? Well, in Irish, Duncormick is known as "Dún Chormaic", which means "Cormac's Fort". Cormac must have been a very important person to have a whole fort named after him! Just think, years and years ago, a person named Cormac probably lived in a big fort where the village of Duncormick stands now.

Back in the olden days, people used to name places after important landmarks or people. That's how a lot of places in Ireland got their names, including Duncormick. It's like a little piece of history that we still carry with us today. Isn't that cool?

Today, Duncormick is a busy place with lots of people living there, going to school, working, and playing. But whenever they say the name of their village, they're also remembering Cormac, the person who lived there long, long ago. So you see, the past and the present are always connected!

  1. What does the name "Duncormick" mean in English?
  2. Who was Cormac and why was he important?
  3. Why do you think places were named after important landmarks or people in the past?
  4. How does the name of a place connect the past and the present?
  5. Can you think of any other places that might have been named after a person or a landmark? What could be their stories?

Slideshow - Duncormick
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Duncormick