Welcome to Dunboyne

Dunboyne is a special townland in County Meath, Ireland. Long, long ago, it was called Domhnach Bán which means "White Church" in Irish. Isn't that interesting?

Many years ago, people called the Normans came to Ireland and built a big strong castle in Dunboyne. It must have been really exciting to see a castle being built! The castle was home to the Butler family for many years. Who wouldn't want to live in a castle?

In the 1800's, there was a famous horse race course in Dunboyne. Imagine the speedy horses racing each other, with everyone cheering them on! Today, the racecourse is gone, but every year a road race called the 'Dunboyne 4 Mile' is held in memory of the old horse races.

The townland of Dunboyne has grown a lot over the years but it still remembers its past. From a white church to a big castle, from horse races to road races, Dunboyne has a rich and interesting history. Just like you, Dunboyne is always growing and changing.

  1. What was the original Irish name for Dunboyne and what does it mean?
  2. Who built a castle in Dunboyne and who lived in it?
  3. What event is held in Dunboyne today in memory of the old horse races?
  4. Why do you think the Normans chose to build a castle in Dunboyne?
  5. If you could change one thing about the history of Dunboyne, what would it be and why?

All About Dunboyne

Dunboyne is a super fun and interesting place in County Meath, Ireland. It's not too far from Dublin, Ireland's big, bustling capital city. But Dunboyne has its own unique charm. The town is criss-crossed with lovely streets like Main Street, where you can find lots of shops and cafes.

Nature is pretty cool in Dunboyne too. There are lots of trees, flowers, and even some animals to see. If you're lucky, you might spot a roe deer, a red fox or even a badger! Birds like robins and sparrows are common too.

One of the best parts of Dunboyne is the River Tolka. This pretty river flows right through the town and is home to ducks and other water animals. Remember, it's important to keep our rivers clean for these creatures to live happily.

Dunboyne doesn't have any mountains, but it's surrounded by lots of green, rolling hills. These are perfect for a fun day out exploring and going on adventures. In the middle of town, there's a beautiful park with benches and lampposts, where you can sit and enjoy a sunny day. Isn't Dunboyne awesome?.

  1. What are some of the animals you might find in Dunboyne?
  2. Describe the River Tolka and its importance to Dunboyne.
  3. What kind of geographical features surround Dunboyne?
  4. Choose a location in Dunboyne and explore it. What geographical features or points of interest did you find?
  5. Using a map of Dunboyne, identify Main Street, the River Tolka, and the park in the middle of town.

My Family and Dunboyne

Hi! I'm Ollie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Dunboyne, in Co. Meath. My favourite thing about living here is all the awesome stuff to see and do!

Right near my house is Dunboyne Castle. It's super old and really big. I like to imagine it's full of knights and princesses. Sometimes, my friends and I play there and have great adventures.

There's also this really cool forest called Rye River Valley Park. It's full of tall trees and there's a river running through it. I love going there with my family for picnics and to watch the ducks swimming around.

Did you know Dunboyne has a really long history? There are lots of ancient places around like the Fourknocks Passage Tomb. It's super old - even older than my granny!

So that's a bit about me and where I live. Dunboyne is a really fun place for a kid like me!

  1. What's your favourite thing about where you live?
  2. Have you ever imagined living in a castle? What would it be like?
  3. If you could have an adventure in a forest, what would you do?
  4. What kind of things would you like to see if you visited Dunboyne?
  5. Can you tell me about a really old place near where you live?

The Logainm of Dunboyne

Dunboyne is a small town in County Meath, Ireland. The name 'Dunboyne' is actually an English translation of the Irish name 'Dún Búinne'. 'Dún' means 'fort' and 'Búinne' is the name of a river that runs through the area. So, in English, Dunboyne means 'Fort of the Boyne'.

Long, long ago, there were many forts in Ireland. They were built to keep people safe from enemies. The fort in Dunboyne was built near the River Boyne, and that's how the place got its name. Isn't that cool?

Today, there's no fort in Dunboyne, but the town has kept its historic name. Dunboyne is a lively place with schools, shops, and a big park. People love to gather at the park to play and have picnics. Even without a fort, Dunboyne is still a safe and happy place to live.

  1. What does 'Dunboyne' mean in English?
  2. What were the forts in Ireland used for?
  3. Why was the fort in Dunboyne named after the River Boyne?
  4. Is there still a fort in Dunboyne today?
  5. What are some things people in Dunboyne like to do in the park?

Slideshow - Dunboyne
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Dunboyne