Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Drumscor Co. Monaghan 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Paper, Pencils Introduction to Drumscor and its history, focusing on the logainm of the placename. Activity 1: Research and write a brief history of Drumscor. Activity 2: Create a timeline of major historical events in Drumscor. Activity 3: Draw or paint a picture showing the historical evolution of Drumscor. Review of the history of Drumscor and its significance. Individual or group presentations of research findings, timelines or artwork.
2: Notable Person from Drumscor 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Paper, Pencils Introduction to a notable person from or near Drumscor. Activity 1: Research and write a biography of the notable person. Activity 2: Create a timeline of the person's life. Activity 3: Draw or paint a portrait of the person. Review of the notable person's life and achievements. Individual or group presentations of research findings, timelines or artwork.
3: Geography of Drumscor 60 minutes Maps, Internet access, Paper, Pencils Introduction to the geography of Drumscor, including rivers, mountains, lakes, etc. Activity 1: Research and write a report on the geography of Drumscor. Activity 2: Draw a map of Drumscor showing its geographical features. Activity 3: Create a 3D model of Drumscor. Review of the geography of Drumscor and its significance. Individual or group presentations of research findings, maps or models.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Compasses, Paper, Pencils Introduction to mapping skills and their importance. Activity 1: Draw a map of Drumscor from memory. Activity 2: Use a compass to navigate around a map of Drumscor. Activity 3: Create a treasure map of Drumscor. Review of mapping skills and their applications. Individual or group presentations of maps or navigation exercises.
5: Biodiversity of Drumscor 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Paper, Pencils, Field equipment Introduction to the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Research and write a report on the biodiversity of Drumscor. Activity 2: Conduct a field survey of local plants and animals. Activity 3: Develop a plan to protect the biodiversity of Drumscor. Review of the biodiversity of Drumscor and ways to protect it. Individual or group presentations of research findings, field surveys or conservation plans.
6: Visual Arts Inspired by Drumscor 60 minutes Art supplies Introduction to the concept of using the local area as a stimulus for art. Activity 1: Draw or paint a landscape of Drumscor. Activity 2: Create a sculpture inspired by Drumscor. Activity 3: Design a poster promoting Drumscor. Review of the artwork created and its connection to Drumscor. Individual or group presentations of artwork.
``` Each row represents a different lesson. The columns correspond to the time allocation for the lesson, the resources needed, the introduction, the development (including three activities to choose from), the conclusion, and the assessment method.