Welcome to Drumscor

Drumscor is a teeny-tiny townland tucked away in County Monaghan, right in the heart of Ireland. This little spot might not seem big or busy, but it's been home to people for a really, really long time!

Long ago, before you or even your great-great-grandparents were born, Drumscor was part of an old, old kingdom called Oriel. Oriel was a Celtic kingdom, and the people living there were probably pretty good at playing the harp, just like the Celts were!

Not a lot of big, important events have happened in Drumscor that we know of, but that doesn't make it any less special. Imagine all the stories that the rolling green fields could tell, if only they could talk! There would be tales of farmers and families, of games played and friendships formed, of winters weathered and springs celebrated.

Today, Drumscor is a peaceful place, with farms and homes dotted here and there. Though it might not be in the history books, Drumscor carries its own quiet history in every stone, tree, and blade of grass. So, remember, every place, no matter how small, has a story to tell!

  1. Where is Drumscor located?
  2. What was Drumscor part of long ago before you or your great-great-grandparents were born?
  3. What kind of stories do you think the rolling green fields of Drumscor could tell?
  4. Why do you think the author says that "Drumscor carries its own quiet history in every stone, tree, and blade of grass"?
  5. What can we learn from the story of Drumscor about the importance of small places?

All About Drumscor

Drumscor is a small, lovely place in County Monaghan, Ireland, filled with green fields and friendly people. It's like a little fairy-tale village that you'd imagine in your favourite storybooks! Drumscor doesn't have big, bustling streets like you'd find in a city. Instead, it has charming country lanes where you might meet a neighbour walking their dog. One special thing about Drumscor is its beautiful nature. There are lots of different types of trees, like Ash and Oak, and colourful flowers like the Irish Rose. The area is home to cute animals like rabbits, foxes, and lots of birds.

Drumscor doesn't have mountains, but it has wonderful green hills that are fun to run up and down. There's also the River Fane nearby, where you might spot ducks swimming or a fish jumping. There aren't any famous buildings, but the local houses and farms have their own charm. You might notice traditional Irish stone walls along the roads, which have been there for many, many years.

Even though Drumscor is small, it's a place filled with magic and beauty. Just like in a storybook, every day can be an adventure!.

  1. What types of trees can be found in Drumscor?
  2. Describe the geographical features of Drumscor.
  3. Using a map of County Monaghan, can you locate Drumscor and the nearby River Fane?
  4. What is one example of the local architecture you might find in Drumscor?
  5. Go for a walk in Drumscor and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the article. What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Drumscor

Hi! I'm Harley, and I'm 8 years old. I live in Drumscor, Co. Monaghan. It's a super cool place! Did you know that we have a lot of exciting things here? Like, we have this big lake where I love to feed the ducks. The lake is so big, my dad says it's like an ocean!

Also, there's this old church. It's called St. Patrick's Old Church. It's really old, like hundreds of years old! But, it's still standing. I think that's super cool. Sometimes, I play hide and seek there with my friends.

We have a playground too. It has swings, a slide, and a sandpit. I love building sandcastles. I imagine I'm a king and the playground is my castle. My friends and I have lots of fun there.

There's also a forest nearby where we go for walks. Sometimes, we see rabbits and squirrels. I love animals!

So, that's a little about where I live. It's a pretty fun place to grow up. I can't wait to tell you more about it!

  1. What is the name of the lake where Harley loves to feed the ducks?
  2. Can you recall the name of the old church in Drumscor?
  3. What kind of games does Harley like to play at the playground?
  4. Harley mentioned a forest nearby. What animals does he often see there?
  5. How does Harley feel about growing up in Drumscor, Co. Monaghan?

The Logainm of Drumscor

Drumscor is a special place in County Monaghan, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish words 'Droim' and 'Scor'. 'Droim' means a ridge or high place, and 'Scor' means a score or notch. It's like a mark made on a stick to keep count of things. Imagine standing on a high place and looking down on many things you can count! Over time, people began to call this place Drumscor.

Long ago, people would have used these scores or notches to count things like the number of animals they had, or the number of days until a special event. A high place like a ridge would be a good spot to do this, because you could see far and wide.

Today, Drumscor is still a high place where people live and work. Even though we don't use scores or notches to count things anymore, the name reminds us of how people used to live in the past. Just think, the next time you're counting something, people in Drumscor were doing the same thing hundreds of years ago!

  1. What does Drumscor mean in English?
  2. What are the two Irish words that make up the name Drumscor?
  3. Why do you think a high place would be a good spot for counting?
  4. How did people long ago use scores or notches?
  5. How does the name Drumscor connect the past and the present?

Slideshow - Drumscor
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Drumscor