Time Allocation |
Resources Needed |
Introduction |
Development |
Conclusion |
Assessment |
1 Hour |
Historical Books, Internet Access |
Introduce the history of Drumlargan Co. Meath W23 AXK8 and the meaning of the placename. |
1. Discuss the history of the area. 2. Research the meaning and history of the placename. 3. Create a timeline of historical events. |
Summarize the historical importance of the area and the meaning of the placename. |
Assess student's understanding through a quiz. |
1 Hour |
Biographies, Internet Access |
Introduce a notable person from the area. |
1. Discuss the life of the notable person. 2. Research their contributions. 3. Role-play an interview with the person. |
Summarize the significant contributions of the notable person. |
Students write a biography of the notable person. |
1 Hour |
Maps, Internet Access |
Introduce the geographical features of the area. |
1. Discuss the geographical features of Drumlargan. 2. Research the importance of these features. 3. Create a model of the geographical features. |
Summarize the geographical importance of Drumlargan. |
Assess students' understanding through a geographical quiz. |
1 Hour |
Maps, Rulers, Pencils |
Introduce mapping skills and task students with mapping the area. |
1. Discuss how to use a map. 2. Practice mapping skills. 3. Create a map of Drumlargan. |
Summarize the importance of mapping and geographical awareness. |
Assess the students' maps for accuracy. |
1 Hour |
Internet Access, Field Guides |
Introduce biodiversity and the importance of protecting the local area. |
1. Discuss local biodiversity. 2. Research ways to protect local biodiversity. 3. Create a poster promoting biodiversity protection. |
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection. |
Assess the students' understanding through their posters. |
1 Hour |
Art Supplies, Pictures of Drumlargan |
Introduce the concept of using the local area as a stimulus for art. |
1. Discuss how nature can inspire art. 2. Practice drawing or painting skills. 3. Create a piece of art inspired by Drumlargan. |
Summarize the importance of art and how it can be inspired by our surroundings. |
Assess the students' art pieces. |
Please note that the exact content and activities may need to be adjusted based on the specific characteristics of Drumlargan Co. Meath W23 AXK8, and the resources available.