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Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Hour Historical Books, Internet Access Introduce the history of Drumlargan Co. Meath W23 AXK8 and the meaning of the placename. 1. Discuss the history of the area. 2. Research the meaning and history of the placename. 3. Create a timeline of historical events. Summarize the historical importance of the area and the meaning of the placename. Assess student's understanding through a quiz.
1 Hour Biographies, Internet Access Introduce a notable person from the area. 1. Discuss the life of the notable person. 2. Research their contributions. 3. Role-play an interview with the person. Summarize the significant contributions of the notable person. Students write a biography of the notable person.
1 Hour Maps, Internet Access Introduce the geographical features of the area. 1. Discuss the geographical features of Drumlargan. 2. Research the importance of these features. 3. Create a model of the geographical features. Summarize the geographical importance of Drumlargan. Assess students' understanding through a geographical quiz.
1 Hour Maps, Rulers, Pencils Introduce mapping skills and task students with mapping the area. 1. Discuss how to use a map. 2. Practice mapping skills. 3. Create a map of Drumlargan. Summarize the importance of mapping and geographical awareness. Assess the students' maps for accuracy.
1 Hour Internet Access, Field Guides Introduce biodiversity and the importance of protecting the local area. 1. Discuss local biodiversity. 2. Research ways to protect local biodiversity. 3. Create a poster promoting biodiversity protection. Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection. Assess the students' understanding through their posters.
1 Hour Art Supplies, Pictures of Drumlargan Introduce the concept of using the local area as a stimulus for art. 1. Discuss how nature can inspire art. 2. Practice drawing or painting skills. 3. Create a piece of art inspired by Drumlargan. Summarize the importance of art and how it can be inspired by our surroundings. Assess the students' art pieces.
``` Please note that the exact content and activities may need to be adjusted based on the specific characteristics of Drumlargan Co. Meath W23 AXK8, and the resources available.