Welcome to Drumfinn

Drumfinn is a special place in County Dublin, Ireland. It's not just houses and streets; it has a rich history that goes way back!

Long, long ago, before your grandparents or even their grandparents were born, Drumfinn was a big area of farmland. That means there were lots of fields and animals, and people worked hard growing crops and taking care of the animals. It wasn't like the Drumfinn we see today with houses and parks and shops.

The name 'Drumfinn' comes from the Irish words 'Droim' and 'Fionn'. 'Droim' means 'ridge', and 'Fionn' means 'white'. So, Drumfinn means 'white ridge'. It probably got its name from the landscape. Here's a fun activity for you: next time you're in Drumfinn, try to imagine how it would have looked with lots of white ridges and rolling green fields instead of houses and cars.

Even though Drumfinn might not have famous stories or big events in its history, it's still an important part of Dublin's past. And who knows, maybe one day you'll make history there too!

  1. What was Drumfinn like long, long ago?
  2. What do the words 'Droim' and 'Fionn' mean?
  3. What does the name 'Drumfinn' mean?
  4. Why do you think Drumfinn was named after the landscape?
  5. If you could make history in Drumfinn, what would you do?

All About Drumfinn

Drumfinn is nestled between the Liffey river and the Grand Canal, making it a fantastic place for watching ducks and swans! Imagine, the river and the canal are like nature's roads for these water birds.

Drumfinn doesn't have mountains, but it has lots of lovely streets. One notable one is Drumfinn Road, where you can see different types of houses and shops. And look around, you might spot some interesting street furniture like colourful benches and unique lampposts that light up the street at night.

In Drumfinn, you'll find lots of parks. These parks are home to various plants, like tall oak trees and beautiful daisies. Keep an eye out for little creatures like squirrels and hedgehogs that live here.

The Grand Canal is another exciting feature of Drumfinn. It's like a long, winding waterway, where you can see boats and even try fishing. But remember, always have an adult with you near the water!

So, Drumfinn is more than just a neighbourhood, it's a place full of nature's surprises!.

  1. What is one way that the Liffey River and the Grand Canal are important to the wildlife in Drumfinn?
  2. Describe the types of houses and shops you might see along Drumfinn Road.
  3. What kinds of plants and animals might you find in the parks of Drumfinn?
  4. Go on a safe exploration around your local area in Drumfinn. Can you find a geographical feature that has not been mentioned in this article? Describe what it is and why it's interesting.
  5. Use a map of Drumfinn to locate the Grand Canal and the Liffey River. What other features can you identify on the map?

My Family and Drumfinn

Hi, I'm Emery! I just turned 8 years old and I live in a cool place called Drumfinn in Dublin. Drumfinn is a really nice spot because we have a lot of fun things to do and places to see. My favourite is the big park where I often play soccer with my friends. There are tall trees and pretty flowers, and I love to run around there with my dog, Sparky.

Another interesting place is the Drumfinn school, that's where I go to learn. It's a big building and has a really cool playground. I love playing on the swings and slides during our breaks.

We also have a big shopping centre here in Drumfinn. My mum often takes me there on weekends. I love going to the toy store and the ice-cream shop. Sometimes, we also visit the library near the shopping centre. I love reading books about dinosaurs and spaceships.

Everyone in Drumfinn is really friendly and nice. My neighbours always wave and say hello. I have made lots of friends here. I feel very lucky to grow up in Drumfinn. It's the best place ever!

  1. What is Emery's favourite place in Drumfinn and why?
  2. Which pet does Emery have and what do they like doing together?
  3. What are some activities Emery enjoys doing at school?
  4. What does Emery like to do at the shopping centre?
  5. How does Emery feel about living in Drumfinn?

The Logainm of Drumfinn

Did you know that every place has a story? Just like the place called Drumfinn in Dublin, Ireland. The name 'Drumfinn' comes from two Irish words - 'Droim' and 'Fionn'. 'Droim' means 'ridge' and 'Fionn' means 'white'. So, when you put these words together, Drumfinn means 'white ridge'.

Long ago, there were many hills in Drumfinn that looked white because of the limestone rocks beneath the soil. These white hills could be seen from miles away! People who lived there long time ago named this place Drumfinn to describe these white hills or ridges.

Today, Drumfinn isn't just known for its white ridges but also for its bustling community. There are houses, schools, and parks where children like you play. Isn't it amazing how a name can carry a story from the past and connect it to the present?

  1. What does the name 'Drumfinn' mean in English?
  2. Why was Drumfinn named so?
  3. What does 'Droim' mean in Irish?
  4. What does 'Fionn' mean in Irish?
  5. How does the name Drumfinn link the past to the present?

Slideshow - Drumfinn
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Drumfinn