Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: A history lesson about Drumcondra Dublin 60 minutes Images of old Drumcondra, history books, internet access Introduce the children to Drumcondra, discussing its location and general history. Activity 1: Children will research the history of Drumcondra's placename. Activity 2: Children will create a timeline of significant events in Drumcondra's history. Activity 3: Children will compare old and new images of Drumcondra. Recap the lesson and discuss how Drumcondra has changed over time. Assess children's understanding through their timeline and their ability to compare old and new images.
Lesson 2: A history lesson about a notable person from the area 60 minutes Biographies, internet access Introduce children to historical figures from Drumcondra such as writer James Joyce. Activity 1: Children will create a fact file about James Joyce. Activity 2: Children will create a timeline of Joyce's life. Activity 3: Children will write a diary entry from Joyce's perspective. Recap the lesson and discuss the impact of Joyce on Irish literature. Assess children's understanding through their fact file, timeline and diary entry.
Lesson 3: A geography lesson exploring natural geography of the area 60 minutes Maps, internet access, field trip to local river Introduce children to the natural geography of Drumcondra, focusing on the River Tolka. Activity 1: Children will map the course of the River Tolka. Activity 2: Children will research wildlife found in and near the river. Activity 3: Children will sketch the river landscape. Recap the lesson and discuss the importance of rivers in geography. Assess children's understanding through their map, research and sketch.
Lesson 4: A geography lesson exploring mapping skills of the area 60 minutes Maps, atlases, internet access Introduce children to basic mapping skills and orienteering. Activity 1: Children will create a map of Drumcondra, marking important landmarks. Activity 2: Children will use a compass to understand the concept of North, South, East and West. Activity 3: Children will use Google Maps to explore Drumcondra. Recap the lesson and discuss the importance of map reading skills. Assess children's understanding through their own maps and ability to use compass and Google Maps.
Lesson 5: A lesson on biodiversity 60 minutes Internet access, field trip to local park Introduce children to the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Children will go on a nature walk and note down different species they see. Activity 2: Children will research about protecting local biodiversity. Activity 3: Children will create a poster about protecting Drumcondra's biodiversity. Recap the lesson and discuss the importance of protecting biodiversity. Assess children's understanding through their nature walk observations, research and posters.
Lesson 6: A visual arts lesson 60 minutes Art supplies, images of Drumcondra Introduce children to the concept of using real locations as inspiration for art. Activity 1: Children will sketch a local landmark. Activity 2: Children will create a collage of Drumcondra using different materials. Activity 3: Children will create a painting of Drumcondra's landscape. Recap the lesson and discuss how art can capture and represent a place. Assess children's understanding through their sketches, collages and paintings.