Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Drumauna Co. Cavan 1 hour Books on local history, Internet access Introduction to the history of Drumauna, focusing on the logainm of the place name. Activity 1: Research on the origin of the place name. Activity 2: Timeline creation of the history of Drumauna. Activity 3: Role-play of important historical events. Summary of the historical events and their significance to the area. Completion of activities, participation in discussion, accuracy of timeline.
2: Notable Person from Drumauna 1 hour Biographical resources, Internet access Introduction to a notable person from the area or nearby. Activity 1: Research on the person's life and contributions. Activity 2: Presentation on the person's life. Activity 3: Role-play of an interview with the person. Reflection on the person's impact on the area or Ireland as a whole. Completion of activities, accuracy of information, creativity in presentation or role-play.
3: Geography of Drumauna 1 hour Maps, Internet access Discussion on the geographical features of Drumauna. Activity 1: Identification of key geographical features. Activity 2: Creation of a 3D model of the area. Activity 3: Field trip to a local geographical feature. Summary of the geographical features and their significance to the area. Completion of activities, understanding of geographical features, accuracy of 3D model or field trip report.
4: Mapping Skills 1 hour Maps, compasses, rulers Introduction to mapping skills and their importance. Activity 1: Drawing a map of the school grounds. Activity 2: Orienteering exercise using a map and compass. Activity 3: Creating a map of Drumauna from memory. Reflection on the importance of mapping skills and their practical application. Completion of activities, accuracy of maps, participation in orienteering exercise.
5: Biodiversity of Drumauna 1 hour Field guides, magnifying glasses, notebooks Discussion on biodiversity and its importance to the local area. Activity 1: Scavenger hunt for different species. Activity 2: Creation of a biodiversity poster. Activity 3: Field trip to a local nature reserve. Reflection on the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it in Drumauna. Completion of activities, understanding of biodiversity, creativity in poster, participation in field trip.
6: Visual Arts Inspired by Drumauna 1 hour Art supplies, local photographs or scenery Introduction to using the local area as inspiration for art. Activity 1: Sketching a local landmark. Activity 2: Creating a collage of local flora and fauna. Activity 3: Painting a landscape of Drumauna. Gallery walk of the artwork created and reflection on the process. Completion of activities, creativity in artwork, understanding of using local scenery as inspiration.