Welcome to Drumauna

Drumauna is a small, charming townland in County Cavan, located in the beautiful country of Ireland. Imagine a place with green fields, friendly people, and a lot of history to explore!

Long, long ago, people settled in Drumauna and started to create a community. They built homes, farmed the land, and raised animals. Over time, these early settlers turned this townland into a wonderful place to live.

Although no big battles or famous events have happened in Drumauna, this doesn't make its history any less special. Every day, the people of Drumauna added their own small stories to the townland's history, just like how you add new drawings to your sketchbook.

Over the years, Drumauna has seen many changes. Old buildings were replaced with new ones and the ways of farming have changed too. But some things remain the same - the friendly people, the lush green fields, and the sense of community.

So, remember, even if a place like Drumauna doesn't have famous battles or kings in its history, it's still an important part of Ireland's past. Each townland has its own unique story and Drumauna's story is one of people working together to create a wonderful place to live.

  1. What country is Drumauna located in?
  2. What did the early settlers in Drumauna do?
  3. What has changed in Drumauna over the years?
  4. Why is Drumauna's history special, even without major battles or events?
  5. What does Drumauna's story tell us about the importance of community?

All About Drumauna

Welcome to the magical world of Drumauna in County Cavan, Ireland! This small village is filled with beautiful and exciting things to explore! Firstly, let's talk about the streets. The most notable is the Drumcrin Road, which winds its way around the village like a snake. Along this road, you will see some unusual street furniture, including old-fashioned lampposts that light up the way when it gets dark.

Drumauna is very proud of its nature. The village is surrounded by lush green fields, where sheep and cows often graze. Look closer, and you might even spot a rabbit or a fox! The trees are mostly ash and oak, which are home to many birds. So, keep your eyes open and your ears tuned for their cheery songs.

The River Erne flows gracefully near Drumauna, adding to its beauty. This river is a playground for ducks and other water-loving creatures. If you're lucky, you might spot a heron or a kingfisher!

Finally, the Slieve Russell Mountain isn't too far away. Its majestic peak can be seen on clear days, standing tall like a king overlooking his kingdom.

So, that's Drumauna for you, a lovely little village full of surprises and nature's beauty!

  1. What is the name of the notable road in Drumauna, and what unique features does it have?
  2. Describe the natural landscape of Drumauna. What types of animals might you see there?
  3. Which river flows near Drumauna, and what types of creatures might you find in or around it?
  4. Find a map of County Cavan. Can you locate Drumauna, the River Erne, and the Slieve Russell Mountain on it?
  5. Explore the area around Drumauna (either in person, if possible, or virtually). What is something of geographical interest that you found?

My Family and Drumauna

Hi, I'm Kaden and I'm 8 years old! I live in Drumauna, Co. Cavan. It's a really cool place. We have lots of fields and trees. I love to climb the biggest tree near my house, It's taller than my house!

We also have a really old church here, it's called St. Fethlimidh's Cathedral. It's so big and it has really tall towers. I wonder what it looks like from the top? I bet I could see my house from there!

My favourite place is the Cavan Burren Park. It's a park with really old rocks and caves. I like to pretend I'm an explorer finding treasure. But don't worry, I don't go too far. My mum always keeps an eye on me.

I have lots of friends here in Drumauna. We play football in the field and sometimes we go swimming in the lake. It's fun growing up here. Every day is a new adventure!

  1. What is the name of the child writing the blog post?
  2. Where does Kaden live?
  3. What is Kaden's favourite activity in Drumauna, Co. Cavan?
  4. What does Kaden like to pretend when they are at Cavan Burren Park?
  5. Who does Kaden play football with?

The Logainm of Drumauna

Drumauna is a special name in Co. Cavan, Ireland. It's an Irish word that means "ridge of the alder". The alder is a type of tree that grows along the rivers and wetlands. A long time ago, people named places after what they saw around them. So, when they saw a ridge with lots of alder trees, they called it Drumauna!

In the old times, the alder trees were very important. People used them to make things like houses, boats, and even musical instruments. Who knows, maybe a famous musician from history played a harp made from an alder tree from Drumauna!

Today, even though we don't use alder trees the same way, they still hold a lot of value. They help keep the soil healthy and give home to many animals. So, the next time you see an alder tree, remember how it connected the past and the present and gave Drumauna its special name!

  1. What does the name Drumauna mean in English?
  2. What is an alder tree?
  3. Why do you think people in the past named places after things they saw?
  4. What are some of the things that people in the past used alder trees for?
  5. How do alder trees help us today and how does it link to the past?

Slideshow - Drumauna
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Drumauna