Welcome to Dromtrasna North

Dromtrasna North is a beautiful townland in County Limerick, Ireland. It's not a big city, but it's got a really cool story!

Long, long time ago, even before your grandparents were born, Dromtrasna North was a place where people loved to live. They built homes, schools, and even farms to grow their food. They spent their days working on the land and their evenings telling stories by the fire.

One of the interesting things about Dromtrasna North is that it has a lot of ancient ring forts. These were made by the early people of Ireland, known as the Celts. They built these forts for protection and as a place to live. These forts show us that people have been living in Dromtrasna North for thousands of years!

Even though there aren't any big battles or famous people from Dromtrasna North, it has a rich history. The people who live there now are proud of their townland and work hard to keep its history alive. So, even though it might be small, Dromtrasna North is a really special place with lots of stories to tell!

  1. What is one thing that the people of Dromtrasna North did long ago?
  2. Who built the ancient ring forts in Dromtrasna North?
  3. Why did the Celts build these forts?
  4. If you could ask a resident of Dromtrasna North one question about their townland's history, what would it be?
  5. Why do you think it's important for the people of Dromtrasna North to keep their history alive?

All About Dromtrasna North

Dromtrasna North is a wonderful place in County Limerick, Ireland. It's filled with beautiful, natural wonders and interesting places to explore. One of the main features of Dromtrasna North is the River Feale, which flows gracefully nearby. The river is home to lots of different fish, making it a perfect place for fishing.

The landscape in Dromtrasna North is quite rural and hilly. If you're a fan of hiking or just love being in nature, you'll enjoy the green fields and small hills that surround the area. These hills and fields are also home to many animals like sheep, cows, and even some wild rabbits.

There aren't any notable streets in Dromtrasna North because it's mostly farmland, but there is a lot of interesting street furniture like old, stone walls and rustic farm gates which give a unique character to the area.

The area is also known for its variety of plants. You'll find many different types of wildflowers in the spring and summer, and lots of trees that change into beautiful colors in the autumn.

Dromtrasna North is a lovely place to explore, with its beautiful nature and interesting rural features.

  1. What are some of the main features of Dromtrasna North?
  2. Describe the landscape of Dromtrasna North.
  3. What kind of wildlife can you find in Dromtrasna North?
  4. Go explore Dromtrasna North and find something of geographical interest. What did you find and why is it interesting?
  5. Using a map, can you identify the route of the River Feale as it flows through Dromtrasna North?

My Family and Dromtrasna North

Hi! I'm Taylor, and I'm 8 years old. I live in a place called Dromtrasna North in Co. Limerick. It's a really cool place. We have lots of animals and green fields. I like to play football in the field behind my house.

Did you know we also have this big old tower? It's called Desmond Castle, and it's super old, like hundreds of years old. You can see it from my house. I like to imagine it's a castle from a fairy tale. Sometimes, my friends and I pretend we are knights and princesses from old times, defending our castle.

There's also a magical forest close by. It's called Aherlow Woods. It's full of tall trees and I like to spot different animals and birds there. It's a real-life adventure every time we go!

My school is not very far. I walk there every day with my friends. We have a small creek near our school, where we often look for frogs. It's so much fun!

I love living in Dromtrasna North. Every day is a new adventure. Can't wait to see what I'll discover tomorrow!

  1. What is my name and how old am I?
  2. Can you describe where I live?
  3. What game do my friends and I play near Desmond Castle?
  4. What do I like to do in Aherlow Woods?
  5. What do we do near the creek by our school?

The Logainm of Dromtrasna North

Dromtrasna North is a special place in County Limerick, Ireland. 'Dromtrasna' is an Irish word, which when translated into English, means 'ridge of the pass'. It's like a high road that people use to cross from one side of the mountains to the other. In olden times, this place would have been used as a safe passage for travellers and merchants.

Many years ago, people living in Ireland spoke only Irish, and they named all the places around them in their language. Dromtrasna is one of those names. As time passed, English became more common in Ireland, but many place names like Dromtrasna still hold onto their original Irish meanings.

Today, Dromtrasna North is still known by its old Irish name. It connects us to the past, reminding us of the people who lived and travelled here long before us. Even though most people in Ireland now speak English, we still use the Irish names for many places, because they are part of our history and culture.

  1. What does 'Dromtrasna' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think people used to travel through Dromtrasna in the olden days?
  3. Why is it important that we still use the original Irish names for some places?
  4. How does the name Dromtrasna connect us to the past?
  5. Can you think of any other places that have kept their original Irish names?

Slideshow - Dromtrasna North
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Dromtrasna North