Welcome to Dromleigh

Dromleigh is a special townland found in the beautiful county of Cork, Ireland. Its name in Irish is "Drom Liath," which means "grey ridge." Isn't that a fun fact?

Many, many years ago, people here used to farm a lot. They grew crops and raised animals. You could say they were the original master chefs and animal caregivers! But Dromleigh wasn't always just about farming.

In the past, it was home to many large, ancient stones called 'megaliths.' Some of these stones were as tall as your house! Imagine that! These stones are like a secret message from the past, telling us that people lived here even before writing was invented.

Dromleigh may not have big palaces or famous battles in its story, but it's full of small, everyday histories that make it special. Every old house, every quiet lane, every field, and every stone has a story to tell.

So, remember, even if a place like Dromleigh seems quiet and peaceful now, it has a rich history just like a treasure chest full of stories waiting to be discovered.

  1. What does the Irish name "Drom Liath" mean in English?
  2. What activities did people in Dromleigh use to do many years ago?
  3. What are 'megaliths'?
  4. Why do you think the author compares Dromleigh's history to a treasure chest full of stories? (Higher Order)
  5. Imagine you are an ancient person living in Dromleigh. Describe a typical day in your life, using information from the text. (Higher Order)

All About Dromleigh

Dromleigh, in County Cork, is a wonderful place in the south of Ireland. It is a land filled with many exciting things to explore! The area is mostly rural with lots of green fields where cows and sheep love to graze. You might even spot a friendly fox or a hopping hare on an early morning!

The River Lee flows near Dromleigh, it's a big, beautiful river that fish like salmon and trout call home. On its banks, you'll find tall, leafy trees and lots of colourful wildflowers. In autumn, the leaves turn into a magical mix of red, orange and yellow - it's like a painting come to life!

In Dromleigh, there aren't many busy streets like in big cities, but there are charming country roads where you can go for a fun bike ride. There's also an old stone bridge that crosses the River Lee - it's a great spot for playing Poohsticks!

At the heart of Dromleigh, there's a lovely community playground with benches for resting and swings for swinging. It's a great place to meet friends and have a picnic on a sunny day. When you visit Dromleigh, you'll feel like you've stepped into a storybook!

  1. What type of landscape is Dromleigh mostly made up of and what kind of animals could you find there?
  2. Describe the River Lee and its surroundings during the autumn season.
  3. What activities could you do in Dromleigh that you might not be able to do in a big city?
  4. Using a map of County Cork, can you locate Dromleigh and the River Lee?
  5. Plan a visit to Dromleigh. Where would you go and what geographical features would you like to explore?

My Family and Dromleigh

Hi there! I'm Ollie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a beautiful place called Dromleigh in Co. Cork. It's really special. There are lots of green fields and big trees around my house. I love to play hide and seek with my friends there.

One of my favourite places here in Dromleigh is the old stone bridge. It's very old and looks like a castle bridge from my storybooks. Sometimes, I pretend I'm a knight protecting the bridge. It's so much fun!

There's also a big river running under the bridge. I see ducks and fish in it. My dad and I often go fishing there. It's super exciting when I catch a fish.

I also love our local school. It's small but everyone is friendly. My teacher Mrs. Murphy is very kind. She reads us fun stories and helps us learn new things every day.

Living in Dromleigh is awesome. It feels like being in a big outdoor playground all the time. I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you!

  1. What is the name of the bridge Ollie likes to play at?
  2. What does Ollie like to do with their dad at the river?
  3. Describe in your own words what Ollie's school is like.
  4. What does Ollie enjoy most about living in Dromleigh?
  5. What kind of games does Ollie like to play in the fields around their house?

The Logainm of Dromleigh

Dromleigh is a beautiful place in County Cork, Ireland. The name 'Dromleigh' comes from the Irish words 'Drom' and 'Lí'. 'Drom' means 'ridge' and 'Lí' means 'grey'. So, 'Dromleigh' means 'grey ridge' in English. The name might come from the way the hills and ridges look on a cloudy day.

Long ago, people could only speak Irish in this area. They used these names to describe what they saw around them. Over time, these Irish names were translated into English. This is how 'Dromleigh' got its name.

Today, even though most people in Dromleigh speak English, the old Irish name is still used. It reminds us of the rich history and culture of this place. It's like a secret code that tells us something about the land and its people.

  1. What two Irish words make up the name 'Dromleigh'?
  2. What does 'Dromleigh' mean in English?
  3. Why do you think people long ago named places after things they saw in nature?
  4. How does the old Irish name 'Dromleigh' connect us to the past?
  5. Can you think of other place names that might have interesting stories behind them?

Slideshow - Dromleigh
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Dromleigh