Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: History of Drogheda Co. Louth 45 Minutes History books, Internet access, Projector Introduce the history of Drogheda and the meaning of its placename Activity 1: Discuss the historical timeline of Drogheda.
Activity 2: Research on the Internet about the history of Drogheda.
Activity 3: Discuss the significance of the placename.
Review the importance of Drogheda in Ireland’s history and the significance of its placename. Assess students through a short quiz about the history of Drogheda and the meaning of its placename.
Lesson 2: Notable Person from Drogheda 45 Minutes Biographical books, Internet access Introduce the notable person from Drogheda Activity 1: Discuss the life and contributions of the notable person.
Activity 2: Research on the Internet about the notable person.
Activity 3: Role-play a day in the life of the notable person.
Review the contributions of the notable person to Drogheda and Ireland. Assess students through a short written assignment about the notable person.
Lesson 3: Geography of Drogheda 45 Minutes Geography books, Maps, Internet access Introduce the geographical features of Drogheda Activity 1: Discuss the rivers, mountains, lakes, and beaches of Drogheda.
Activity 2: Research on the Internet about the geographical features of Drogheda.
Activity 3: Draw and label a map of Drogheda’s geographical features.
Review the geographical features and their importance to the people of Drogheda. Assess students through a short quiz about Drogheda's geographical features.
Lesson 4: Mapping Skills of Drogheda 45 Minutes Maps, Pencils, Rulers Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance Activity 1: Discuss the elements of a map.
Activity 2: Practice drawing a map of Drogheda.
Activity 3: Use a ruler to measure distances on the map.
Review the importance of mapping skills and how they can be used in real life. Assess students through a map drawing task of Drogheda.
Lesson 5: Biodiversity of Drogheda 45 Minutes Biodiversity books, Internet access Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance in Drogheda Activity 1: Discuss the different species found in Drogheda.
Activity 2: Research on the Internet about the biodiversity of Drogheda.
Activity 3: Discuss ways to protect the biodiversity of Drogheda.
Review the importance of biodiversity and how it can be protected in Drogheda. Assess students through a short written assignment about Drogheda's biodiversity and how to protect it.
Lesson 6: Visual Arts of Drogheda 45 Minutes Art supplies, Pictures of Drogheda Introduce Drogheda as an inspiration for visual arts Activity 1: Discuss how Drogheda can inspire art.
Activity 2: Draw or paint a scene from Drogheda.
Activity 3: Create a sculpture inspired by Drogheda.
Review how Drogheda can be a source of inspiration for artists. Assess students through an art project inspired by Drogheda.