Welcome to Drimna Beg

Drimna Beg is a tiny, magical spot tucked away in the beautiful county of Kerry in Ireland. Although it may seem quiet now, it has a rich history that goes back many, many years.

Long ago, before your grandparents were even born, Drimna Beg was a place where people worked very hard. You know how you help your mom and dad at home? Well, the people of Drimna Beg would help their families by farming the land to grow food and raise animals.

The people who lived here were very friendly and loved to tell stories. Imagine sitting around a cozy fire, listening to tales of brave warriors and mystical creatures! That was a favorite pastime in Drimna Beg.

While no world-changing events happened in this little townland, its history is still important. It tells us about the simple, daily lives of people long ago. And who knows, maybe one day you'll visit Drimna Beg and add your own story to its history.

  1. What is Drimna Beg?
  2. What were some of the activities people in Drimna Beg did long ago?
  3. What was a favorite pastime in Drimna Beg?
  4. Why is the history of Drimna Beg important even if no world-changing events happened there?
  5. How can you add your own story to the history of Drimna Beg?

All About Drimna Beg

Drimna Beg is a lovely place in County Kerry, Ireland. It's full of exciting things to see and explore! One cool thing about Drimna Beg is its natural beauty. Can you imagine being surrounded by lush green fields and tall, majestic mountains? That's what it's like here! The mountains are part of a bigger group of mountains called the Slieve Mish Mountains.

If you visit, you might wander along some charming country roads. These aren’t like city streets, they're more like paths that wind through the countryside. They're perfect for a fun bike ride or a peaceful walk.

Now, let's talk about the animals and plants. The fields and mountains of Drimna Beg are home to many different kinds of animals. You might see a rabbit hopping by or a bird soaring high in the sky. And if you're really lucky, you might even spot a playful fox or a shy deer! The area is also full of lots of different plants. From tall trees to colorful wildflowers, there's always something beautiful to see.

So, as you can see, Drimna Beg is a pretty special place. It's full of natural wonders and fun things to explore. I hope you'll get a chance to visit it one day!.

  1. What group of mountains is Drimna Beg a part of?
  2. Describe what a country road in Drimna Beg might look like.
  3. List three types of animals you might see in Drimna Beg.
  4. Using a map, can you locate Drimna Beg in County Kerry, Ireland? What other geographical features can you identify near Drimna Beg?
  5. Plan a trip to Drimna Beg and find a geographical feature that you would like to visit. What is it and why did you choose it?

My Family and Drimna Beg

Hi, I'm Casey and I just turned 8! I live in Drimna Beg, a little village in Co. Kerry. It's a beautiful place with a lot of cool stuff around. Let me tell you about my life here.

I love to wake up early and watch the sunrise over the Kerry Mountains. They are big, mighty and so beautiful. Sometimes, I go hiking with my dad and we spot wild deer and rabbits. It's so exciting!

Right across from our house is the Drimna Beg Lake. It's my favourite place to be. I often go fishing with my grandpa there. We catch trout and sometimes eels. Grandpa says it's a great way to learn patience.

There's also an old castle nearby, it's called Ballycarbery Castle. It's a bit ruined but still looks amazing. I like to imagine I'm a knight defending the castle from dragons. It's so much fun!

So, that's a little bit about me and my home, Drimna Beg. I think it's the best place to grow up and I can't wait to have more adventures here.

  1. What is Casey's favourite place and why?
  2. Describe the activities Casey does with their dad and grandpa.
  3. What does Casey learn from fishing at the lake?
  4. What does Casey like to imagine when they visit Ballycarbery Castle?
  5. What are some animals Casey sees when hiking in the Kerry Mountains?

The Logainm of Drimna Beg

Drimna Beg is a small place in County Kerry, Ireland. The name 'Drimna Beg' is an English translation of the Irish name 'Droimne Beag', which means 'small ridge' in English. A ridge is like a long, narrow hill. Imagine a sleeping dragon's back - that's what a ridge looks like!

Many years ago, before English was spoken in Ireland, people used the Irish language to name places. 'Droimne Beag' was one of these names. Over time, as more people began to speak English, the names were translated. That's how we got 'Drimna Beg'!

Today, people in Drimna Beg still remember the old Irish name. Some of the older people even use it when they're talking to each other. Even though the name has changed, the beautiful ridge that gave Drimna Beg its name is still there. Next time you visit, try to imagine the sleeping dragon!

  1. What does 'Droimne Beag' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think places were named in Irish before English?
  3. How did 'Droimne Beag' become 'Drimna Beg'?
  4. What does a ridge look like?
  5. Why do you think people in Drimna Beg still use the old Irish name?

Slideshow - Drimna Beg
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Drimna Beg