Lesson Plans - Dorothy Hodgkin

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6

Objective 1

Find out about Dorothy Hodgkin's life and achievements.

Time Allocation: 40 minutes

Resources Needed:

  • Books or online resources about Dorothy Hodgkin
  • Pictures or photographs of Dorothy Hodgkin
  • Chart paper and markers


Introduce Dorothy Hodgkin as an inspirational woman and explain that she was a renowned British scientist. Show pictures or photographs of Dorothy Hodgkin.


Read aloud a biography of Dorothy Hodgkin or provide information about her life. Discuss her contributions to science and her famous discoveries, such as the structure of insulin and penicillin.


Ask students to share their thoughts on Dorothy Hodgkin's achievements and why she is an inspirational woman. Encourage questions and further exploration of her work.


Have students draw a picture or write a short paragraph about what they have learned about Dorothy Hodgkin.

Objective 2

Explore Dorothy Hodgkin's contributions to society and culture.

Time Allocation: 40 minutes

Resources Needed:

  • Books or online resources about Dorothy Hodgkin
  • Pictures or photographs of Dorothy Hodgkin
  • Chart paper and markers


Recap what students learned about Dorothy Hodgkin in the previous lesson. Explain that today they will explore how her work has influenced the world.


Discuss the impact of Dorothy Hodgkin's discoveries on medicine, chemistry, and scientific research. Encourage students to think about how her work has improved the lives of people around the world.


Have a class discussion about the lasting legacy of Dorothy Hodgkin's work and how it continues to inspire scientists today.


Ask students to create a poster or write a short essay explaining one of Dorothy Hodgkin's contributions and its impact on society.

Objective 3

Connect Dorothy Hodgkin to the child's life.

Time Allocation: 40 minutes

Resources Needed:

  • Chart paper and markers
  • Art supplies


Ask students if they know any scientists or inventors. Discuss the importance of science in everyday life.


Explain how Dorothy Hodgkin's work in chemistry and crystallography has contributed to advancements in materials and technology. Discuss how her discoveries are relevant to their lives.


Ask students to brainstorm ways in which they can apply scientific thinking and problem-solving skills in their daily lives.


Have students create a collage or artwork showcasing the connection between science and their lives.

Objective 4

Create a timeline of Dorothy Hodgkin's life.

Time Allocation: 40 minutes

Resources Needed:

  • Books or online resources about Dorothy Hodgkin
  • Chart paper and markers


Show students a blank timeline and explain that they will be creating a timeline of Dorothy Hodgkin's life.


Provide students with information about key events in Dorothy Hodgkin's life. Guide them in organizing the events chronologically on the timeline.


Have students present their timelines to the class and discuss the significance of each event.


Evaluate the accuracy and completeness of students' timelines.