Here are your lesson plans: ```
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Doonaun Tulla Co. Clare 1 hour Books about Doonaun Tulla, Internet access, markers, chart paper Introduce the children to the history of Doonaun Tulla, focusing on the origin of its name. 1. Discussion on the history of Doonaun Tulla. 2. Children create timeline of key events. 3. Children research the origin of the place name. Summarize key points learnt about the history of Doonaun Tulla. Check the timelines and the research work of the children.
2: Notable Person 1 hour Biographies, Internet access Introduce a notable person from the nearby area. 1. Children read short biographies. 2. Children create a timeline of the person's life. 3. Children write a short paragraph about why the person is notable. Discuss the impact of the notable person on the area. Check the timelines and paragraphs written by the children.
3: Geography of Doonaun Tulla 1 hour Maps of Doonaun Tulla, Internet access Introduce the natural geography of Doonaun Tulla. 1. Discussion on the natural features of Doonaun Tulla. 2. Children label the features on a map. 3. Children research about one feature. Discuss the importance of the natural features to the area. Check the labelled maps and the research work of the children.
4: Mapping Skills 1 hour Blank maps, markers, rulers Introduce the concept of mapping. 1. Children learn about map symbols. 2. Children draw their own map of Doonaun Tulla. 3. Children write directions from one place to another on their map. Discuss the importance of maps and mapping skills. Check the maps and directions written by the children.
5: Biodiversity 1 hour Biodiversity guidebooks, Internet access Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. 1. Discussion on the local biodiversity. 2. Children create a list of local plants and animals. 3. Children brainstorm ways to protect the biodiversity. Discuss the importance of protecting biodiversity. Check the lists and ideas generated by the children.
6: Visual Arts 1 hour Art supplies Introduce the idea of using the local area as inspiration for art. 1. Children sketch a scene from Doonaun Tulla. 2. Children choose a medium to create their artwork. 3. Children present their artwork to the class. Discuss how art can be inspired by our surroundings. Check the artwork and presentations of the children.
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