Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Doon, Co. Limerick 1 Hour Books, Internet access, Worksheets Introduction to Doon's history and the origin of its name Activity 1: Reading about Doon's history and its name's origin
Activity 2: Group discussion on what they learned
Activity 3: Filling out a worksheet about the history of Doon
Summarizing the history of Doon and the origin of its name Worksheet completion and group discussion participation
2: Notable Person from the Area 1 Hour Books, Internet access, Worksheets Introduction to the notable person, George Clancy Activity 1: Reading about George Clancy's life and achievements
Activity 2: Group discussion on his influence
Activity 3: Writing a short paragraph about George Clancy
Summarizing George Clancy's life and his contributions Paragraph writing and group discussion participation
3: Geography of Doon 1 Hour Maps, Internet access, Worksheets Introduction to Doon's geographical features Activity 1: Identifying Doon's geographical features on a map
Activity 2: Group discussion on the importance of these features
Activity 3: Filling out a worksheet about Doon's geography
Summarizing the geographical features of Doon Worksheet completion and group discussion participation
4: Mapping Skills 1 Hour Blank Maps, Colored Pencils, Internet Access Introduction to mapping skills Activity 1: Drawing a map of Doon from memory
Activity 2: Comparing their map to a real map
Activity 3: Correcting their map using the real map
Discussing the importance of accurate mapping Completion and correction of their map
5: Biodiversity in Doon 1 Hour Internet access, Field guides, Worksheets Introduction to biodiversity in Doon Activity 1: Identifying local species using field guides
Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of biodiversity
Activity 3: Brainstorming ways to protect local biodiversity
Summarizing the importance of biodiversity and protection methods Participation in discussion and brainstorming
6: Visual Arts 1 Hour Art Supplies, Photos of Doon Introduction to using local scenery as art inspiration Activity 1: Choosing a photo of Doon to recreate
Activity 2: Drawing or painting the photo
Activity 3: Sharing their art with the class and discussing their choices
Discussing the benefits of using local scenery for art inspiration Completion of their art piece and participation in discussion