Welcome to Doon

Once upon a time, in the beautiful country of Ireland, there is a charming little townland called Doon, located in the county of Limerick. This townland has a long, fascinating history that dates back many years.

Doon is an Irish word, 'Dún,' which means 'fort.' Long, long ago, in ancient times, people built forts for protection, and Doon was one such place. But these weren't like the forts you might build out of sofa cushions at home - they were big, strong structures made from earth and wood.

Over the years, Doon grew and changed. People built homes, farms, and even a school - just like yours! One of the interesting things about Doon is that it has been a farming community for centuries. That means families have been growing crops and raising animals here for a very long time.

While there might not be a famous battle or a fairytale castle in Doon, its history is a story of people living and working together for hundreds of years. And that's a pretty amazing story, don't you think?

  1. What is the meaning of the word 'Dún'?
  2. What were the forts in Doon made from?
  3. What has been a primary activity in Doon for centuries?
  4. Why do you think people built forts in ancient times?
  5. If you lived in Doon, how would you contribute to the community?

All About Doon

Doon is a charming little village in County Limerick, Ireland. It's like a treasure chest filled with exciting things to see and do! One of the most famous streets is Main Street where you'll find lots of lovely shops. There's also the beautiful Doon Convent, a big old building that used to be a school for girls. In Doon, Mother Nature is your best friend! There are many different types of animals and plants here. You might spot a fox or a badger if you're lucky, and you'll definitely see lots of cows and sheep! The area is also home to many types of birds, some of which are quite rare. Doon is surrounded by soft, green hills. On a clear day, you can see all the way to the Galtee Mountains, which are the tallest inland mountain range in Ireland. There's also the River Doon that flows gently through the village. It's a great place to watch ducks and other water birds. In Doon, even the benches and lamp posts on the streets are pretty, with flower baskets hanging from them in the summer. It's a very special place, don't you think?

  1. What types of animals might you see in Doon?
  2. Describe the geographical features that surround Doon.
  3. Using a map of Ireland, locate Doon and the Galtee Mountains. How far apart are they?
  4. Explore the area around Doon and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text. What is it and why is it of interest?
  5. Based on the description, what makes Doon a special place?

My Family and Doon

Hi! I'm Sam, and I'm 8 years old. I live in Doon, Co. Limerick. It's a really cool place! There's lots of fun things to see and do. My favourite place is the Doon Convent Grotto. It's a beautiful garden with statues and colourful flowers. I like to go there with my family on sunny days.

There's also an old castle here, O'Grady's Castle. It's really big and very old! I like to imagine that I'm a knight protecting the castle from dragons. My friends and I like to play hide and seek around the castle. It's so much fun!

One of the best things about Doon is that it's surrounded by gorgeous green fields. I love to go on walks with my dog, Spot, through the fields. We have races to see who can run the fastest. Spot usually wins, but I don't mind.

Living in Doon is like being in a fairy tale. I love my home, and I can't wait to go on more adventures in Doon. Bye for now!

  1. What is Sam's favourite place in Doon, Co. Limerick and why?
  2. What game does Sam play with his friends at O'Grady's Castle?
  3. Who is Spot and what do Sam and Spot do together?
  4. How does Sam describe living in Doon, Co. Limerick?
  5. What does Sam imagine when he sees O'Grady's Castle?

The Logainm of Doon

Doon is a small village in County Limerick, Ireland. The name 'Doon' comes from the Irish word 'Dún', which means 'fort'. So, in English, Doon would mean 'Fort'. This name comes from the olden days when people built forts for protection against enemies. These forts were usually made of earth and wood and were built on hilltops to have a good view of the surrounding area.

One of the notable things about Doon is that it's near an ancient ring fort called Doon Fort. This fort is very old and people think it was built during the time of the Celts, who were one of the earliest people to live in Ireland. The Celts built many forts like Doon Fort around Ireland. These forts are part of Ireland's rich history.

Today, Doon is a peaceful place with homes, schools, and shops. But when we look at the name and the nearby Doon Fort, we are reminded of the olden days when forts were important for people's safety. So, the name 'Doon' connects the past and the present in a special way.

  1. What does the word 'Doon' mean in English?
  2. Why did people in the olden days build forts?
  3. Who were the Celts and what is their connection to Doon?
  4. What is a notable structure near Doon and what is its significance?
  5. How does the name 'Doon' connect the past and the present?

Slideshow - Doon
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Doon