Section 1

Dogs are amazing animals! They are known as "man's best friend" because they are loyal and love to be around people. There are many different types of dogs, ranging in size from small to very large. Some common breeds of dogs include Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Poodles. Dogs have a great sense of smell, which makes them excellent at finding things. They also have sharp teeth and claws, which they use for digging and playing. Dogs are very smart and can be trained to do lots of tricks and tasks.

  1. What are dogs known as?
  2. Name three common breeds of dogs.
  3. What is one special ability that dogs have?
  4. What are dogs' sharp teeth and claws used for?
  5. What is one thing that dogs can be trained to do?

Section 2

My name is Emily and I am 6 years old. I want to tell you about my average day. I wake up early in the morning and have breakfast with my family. Then, I get ready for school. After school, I play with my friends in the park. I love playing with my dog, Max, too. He is my best friend. We go for walks and play fetch together. In the evening, I do my homework and have dinner with my family. Before bed, I read a story with my mom. I love my average day!

  1. What does Emily do in the morning?
  2. Who does Emily play with in the park?
  3. What is the name of Emily's dog?
  4. When does Emily do her homework?
  5. Who does Emily read a story with before bed?

Section 3

Good evening, boys and girls! Welcome to Puppy News. Today, we have some exciting news about our furry friends, dogs. In a recent study, scientists found that dogs have an amazing sense of smell. They can sniff out things like food, toys, and even missing items! Dogs are also great at being our companions. They love to play, cuddle, and protect us. Remember, always be kind to dogs and ask their owners before approaching them. Stay tuned for more doggy updates!

  1. Unscramble this anagram: GDO
  2. Rearrange these letters: LSHEP
  3. What word can you make from these letters: ROBWT

Section 4

In a heartwarming event in County Kerry, Ireland, a brave dog named Max saved his family from a house fire. When a faulty electrical wire caused the fire to break out, Max quickly sensed danger and barked loudly to wake up his sleeping owners. Thanks to Max's alertness, the family was able to escape the burning house unharmed. Max's heroic act highlights the incredible bond between humans and dogs, and the importance of these loyal companions in our lives.

  1. Where did the event take place?
  2. What caused the fire?
  3. What did Max do to save his family?
  4. How did the family react to Max's actions?
  5. What does this event highlight about the bond between humans and dogs?