Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Dinosaur Theme Plan: Junior Infants

Subjects Covered Activities Resources Differentiation
  • Read dinosaur-themed books to the class
  • Encourage students to create their own dinosaur stories
  • Practice letter recognition using dinosaur flashcards
  • Dinosaur-themed storybooks
  • Dinosaur flashcards
  • Writing materials
  • Provide additional support for struggling readers/writers
  • Challenge advanced students by encouraging them to write longer stories
  • Count and sort dinosaur toys
  • Create dinosaur-themed number cards for matching activities
  • Practice simple addition and subtraction using dinosaur visuals
  • Dinosaur toys
  • Number cards
  • Dinosaur visuals
  • Provide extra support with counting and number recognition
  • Encourage students to solve more complex addition/subtraction problems
  • Discuss different types of dinosaurs and their characteristics
  • Create a dinosaur habitat using playdough and natural materials
  • Explore fossil replicas and discuss how fossils are formed
  • Dinosaur books with information
  • Playdough
  • Natural materials (sticks, stones, leaves, etc.)
  • Fossil replicas
  • Provide simplified explanations for younger students
  • Encourage further research and exploration for curious students

Arts Subjects

Subjects covered




Visual Arts

  • Create dinosaur masks using paper plates and craft materials.
  • Paint or draw pictures of dinosaurs.
  • Paper plates
  • Craft materials (e.g., colored paper, feathers, googly eyes)
  • Paints and brushes
  • Provide visual aids or stencils for students who may need additional support.
  • Offer a variety of art materials for different skill levels.


  • Sing dinosaur-themed songs (e.g., "We Are the Dinosaurs" by Laurie Berkner).
  • Create dinosaur sound effects using percussion instruments.
  • Lyrics or sheet music for dinosaur songs
  • Percussion instruments (e.g., drums, maracas, tambourines)
  • Provide visual cues or gestures to support singing and rhythm activities.
  • Allow students to choose different instruments based on their preferences or abilities.


  • Act out a dinosaur-themed story or create a short play.
  • Imitate dinosaur movements and sounds.
  • Storybooks or scripts with dinosaur themes
  • Open space for movement activities
  • Props or costumes (optional)
  • Provide visual prompts or simple scripts for students who may need extra support.
  • Encourage creativity and imagination during dramatic play.


  • Create dinosaur-themed dance movements (e.g., stomping, swaying).
  • Follow a guided dinosaur dance routine.
  • Dinosaur-themed music
  • Open space for movement activities
  • Provide visual demonstrations or videos of dinosaur-inspired dance movements.
  • Offer alternative movements for students with physical limitations.

Station Ideas

Station 1: Dinosaur Puzzles

  • Provide a variety of dinosaur puzzles for children to solve.
  • Encourage them to work together and discuss the different types of dinosaurs they discover.

Station 2: Dinosaur Fossils

  • Set up a sensory table with sand or clay and bury dinosaur bones or fossil replicas.
  • Provide brushes and tools for children to excavate the fossils and discuss their findings.

Station 3: Dinosaur Storytelling

  • Provide a selection of dinosaur-themed books and encourage children to explore and retell stories.
  • Encourage them to use their imagination and create their own dinosaur stories.

Station 4: Dinosaur Art

  • Provide art materials such as paper, crayons, and markers.
  • Invite children to draw or paint their favorite dinosaurs or create their own dinosaur species.

Station 5: Dinosaur Sorting

  • Prepare a collection of different dinosaur figurines or picture cards.
  • Have children sort them based on characteristics such as size, color, or type of dinosaur.

Story Time

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there were dinosaurs! They lived in a big, green forest filled with tall trees and beautiful flowers. The dinosaurs loved to play and explore all day long.

One sunny morning, a little dinosaur named Daisy woke up and stretched her long neck. She was very excited because today was her first day of school. Daisy was a little nervous too, but she knew she would make lots of new friends.

Daisy hurriedly ate her breakfast of delicious leaves and fruits, and then she set off on her journey to school. As she walked through the forest, she saw many other dinosaurs heading in the same direction. Some were big and some were small, but they all looked very excited.

When Daisy arrived at school, she was amazed. The school was made of big rocks and had lots of rooms inside. There were colorful drawings of dinosaurs on the walls, and toys scattered everywhere.

Inside the classroom, Daisy's teacher, Mrs. Triceratops, greeted her with a warm smile. Mrs. Triceratops was a kind and friendly dinosaur. She had three horns on her head and a big, strong body.

Mrs. Triceratops began the day by introducing all the dinosaurs to each other. There was Timmy the T-Rex, Sammy the Stegosaurus, and many more. The dinosaurs giggled and laughed as they got to know each other.

After the introductions, Mrs. Triceratops taught them all about different types of dinosaurs. She showed them pictures and told them interesting facts. The dinosaurs were amazed to learn about the long-necked Brachiosaurus and the speedy Velociraptor.

Next, it was time for recess. All the dinosaurs rushed outside to play. They ran and chased each other, pretending to be dinosaurs from long ago. They stomped their feet and roared loudly, just like real dinosaurs!

As the day went on, Daisy and her new friends learned many things. They learned how to count dinosaur eggs, how to draw their favorite dinosaurs, and even how to do a little dance like a dinosaur.

Finally, it was time to go home. Daisy hugged her new friends goodbye and thanked Mrs. Triceratops for a wonderful day. She couldn't wait to come back to school the next day.

From that day on, Daisy and her friends went to school every day, eager to learn more and have fun together. They became the best of friends and had many more adventures in the land of dinosaurs.

And so, with big smiles on their faces, the dinosaurs lived happily ever after.