Welcome to Dillons Cross

Dillons Cross is a special little place in the beautiful country of Ireland, right beside a bustling city called Cork. But do you know it holds a unique story of its own?

Many, many years ago, around 1867, something important happened here. A group of brave men called the Irish Republican Brotherhood wanted Ireland to be free and not ruled by Britain. So, they planned to start a fight, known as a rebellion, in Dillons Cross.

On a cold December night, these men were preparing for the battle when suddenly, they were surprised by the British police! A big fight erupted, and it's known as the 'Battle of Dillons Cross.' Unfortunately, the Irish men did not win this battle, but their courage is still remembered.

Now, Dillons Cross is a peaceful area filled with happy families, schools, and shops. But its exciting history makes it an important part of Ireland's story. So, if you ever visit, remember you're walking on the same ground where brave men once stood for their country's freedom!

  1. What country is Dillons Cross located in?
  2. Who were the group of brave men that wanted Ireland to be free?
  3. What happened on a cold December night in 1867 at Dillons Cross?
  4. Why do you think the story of Dillons Cross is important to Ireland's history?
  5. If you visited Dillons Cross today, what might you see and feel knowing its history?

All About Dillons Cross

Dillons Cross is a lovely place, almost like a character in a storybook! It's in Cork, a city in Ireland. The area doesn't have any big mountains or rivers, but it's still really interesting.

There are a lot of houses and buildings, and many streets to explore. One famous street is called "Old Youghal Road". It's a long road with many houses, shops and even a church!

There are lots of pretty trees and plants around too. You might see flowers like daffodils in the spring and many different types of trees, like oak and ash.

You also might see some interesting animals. In the gardens and parks, you might spot squirrels scampering around or birds like robins and sparrows singing in the trees.

There's not a lot of street furniture, but you might see some benches where you can sit and watch the world go by. And in some places, you might find special boxes for people to put their litter in so that the area stays clean and beautiful.

So, even though Dillons Cross doesn't have mountains or rivers, it is a pretty and interesting place full of life!.

  1. What types of trees might you find in Dillons Cross?
  2. What is the name of the famous street in Dillons Cross and what can you find there?
  3. Describe some of the animals you might spot in the gardens and parks of Dillons Cross.
  4. Using a map of Cork, can you locate Dillons Cross and "Old Youghal Road"?
  5. Explore the area of Dillons Cross yourself. What geographical features or points of interest did you find?

My Family and Dillons Cross

Hi! I'm Casey and I'm 8 years old. I live in Dillons Cross, it's really cool here! I love playing in the park just around the corner from my house. There's a big slide and swings that I love to play on with my friends. I also like to feed the ducks at the pond, they're so cute!

There's a really old church near my house too. It's called St. Luke's and it's over 100 years old! Sometimes, we go there for school trips and I love hearing the old stories about it. I also like the big clock on it, it chimes every hour and I can hear it from my bedroom.

My favourite place is the ice cream shop down the road. They have so many flavours and I love trying new ones. But, chocolate is definitely my favourite!

I love living in Dillons Cross because there's so much to do and see. I can't wait to keep exploring and finding new places. Bye for now!

  1. Who is Casey's favourite friend to play with at the park?
  2. What does Casey like to do at the pond?
  3. What is the name of the church near Casey's house and what does Casey like about it?
  4. Where is Casey's favourite place in Dillons Cross and why?
  5. What new places does Casey want to explore in Dillons Cross?

The Logainm of Dillons Cross

Dillons Cross is a place in Ireland. The name 'Dillons Cross' is in English, but it comes from Irish words too. The name in Irish is 'Cros Uí Dhíolúin'. Let's break it down. 'Cros' means 'cross', 'Uí' means 'of the', and 'Dhíolúin' is a family name, 'Dillon'. So, in English, Dillons Cross means 'The Cross of the Dillon Family'.

The Dillon family was an important family in Ireland long, long ago. They were known for being brave and kind. The 'cross' in Dillons Cross doesn't mean a cross like the one you might see in a church. It means a crossroads or a place where two roads meet. So, Dillons Cross is the place where two roads meet, and it was named after the Dillon family.

Today, Dillons Cross is a busy place. People live there, go to school there, and visit there. Even though it is named after a family from long ago, it's still an important place today. And every time someone says 'Dillons Cross', they're using a little bit of Irish language, even if they don't know it!

  1. What does 'Cros Uí Dhíolúin' mean in English?
  2. Who was the Dillon family?
  3. What does the 'cross' in Dillons Cross mean?
  4. What is Dillons Cross like today?
  5. How does saying 'Dillons Cross' connect us to the Irish language?

Slideshow - Dillons Cross
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Dillons Cross