Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Introduction to Diane Sawyer 45 minutes Computer, projector, images of Diane Sawyer, whiteboard, markers Introduce Diane Sawyer by showing pictures and giving a brief overview of her life and career. Discuss where and when Diane Sawyer was born, her early life, and her significant accomplishments in journalism. Summarize the main points and encourage students to ask questions about Diane Sawyer. Question and answer session to gauge understanding of Diane Sawyer’s background.
Lesson 2: Diane Sawyer’s Contributions to Society 45 minutes Articles, video clips of Diane Sawyer’s interviews, projector Begin with a brief recap of the previous lesson. Show clips of Diane Sawyer’s famous interviews and discuss her contributions to journalism and society. Encourage students to share their thoughts on how her work has impacted society and culture. Students write a short paragraph on Diane Sawyer’s contributions and their impact.
Lesson 3: Diane Sawyer’s Impact on Society 45 minutes Posters, markers, video clips, projector Recap Diane Sawyer’s contributions from the previous lesson. Discuss the broader impact of her work on society, culture, and journalism. Group activity: Students create posters illustrating Diane Sawyer’s impact on society. Students present their posters to the class.
Lesson 4: Connecting Diane Sawyer to Our Lives 45 minutes Notebooks, pens, video clips of Diane Sawyer’s interviews, projector Recap Diane Sawyer’s life and contributions. Discuss how journalism affects our lives and how Diane Sawyer’s work is relevant today. Students write a journal entry on how Diane Sawyer’s work has influenced their understanding of current events. Share journal entries in small groups and discuss.
Lesson 5: Creating a Timeline of Diane Sawyer’s Life 45 minutes Timeline templates, markers, images of Diane Sawyer, glue, scissors Introduce the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding historical figures. Provide students with key dates and events in Diane Sawyer’s life. Guide them in creating a timeline using the provided templates. Display timelines around the classroom for everyone to see. Assess timelines for accuracy and completeness.
Lesson 6: Reflection and Presentation 45 minutes Completed timelines, journals, posters Recap all the lessons and discuss the overall significance of Diane Sawyer. Students prepare a short presentation on what they have learned about Diane Sawyer. Students present their timelines, posters, and journal entries to the class. Peer and teacher feedback on presentations and understanding of Diane Sawyer’s life and contributions.