All about Diane Sawyer

Diane Sawyer is a famous TV journalist who was born on December 22, 1945, in Glasgow, Kentucky. When she was a little girl, she loved writing and telling stories. Diane worked hard in school and went to college to study English.

After college, Diane started working as a weather reporter. She was very good at her job and quickly became a news reporter. Diane's big break came when she got a job working for President Nixon in the White House! She helped write important speeches.

Later, Diane decided to go back to TV news. She worked for many big TV stations, like CBS and ABC. Diane became very famous for interviewing important people, like presidents and world leaders. She traveled all around the world to tell important stories.

Diane Sawyer is known for being very smart and asking great questions. She has won many awards for her work in journalism, which means telling true stories to help people know what is happening in the world.

Even though Diane is not on TV as much now, she still inspires many people with her amazing career and hard work. She shows that if you work hard and follow your dreams, you can achieve great things!

  1. Where was Diane Sawyer born?
  2. What did Diane love to do when she was a little girl?
  3. Which two big TV stations did Diane work for?
  4. Why do you think Diane became famous for interviewing important people?
  5. How does Diane Sawyer inspire people today?

Symbols and Traditions

Hi, my name is Charlie, and I'm 8 years old. Guess what? I got to visit ABC News! It was super cool because it's where Diane Sawyer became really famous. Diane Sawyer is a news reporter who tells people important things that are happening in the world. My parents told me she was really good at her job, and lots of people watched her on TV.

When we were at ABC News, we got to see the studio where they film the news. It had big cameras and bright lights. I even got to sit in the chair where the news anchors sit! We learned how they make the news and how important it is to tell the truth. The coolest part was visiting the Diane Sawyer exhibit. They showed us a lot of the stories she worked on, and there were pictures of her with famous people. It made me want to learn more about the world and maybe even be a reporter someday.

After our visit to ABC News, we went to a tourist attraction nearby that Diane Sawyer had talked about once. It was a big, beautiful park with lots of flowers and a big fountain. I ran around and played, and we had a picnic. It was a really fun day, and I learned so much!

  1. Who is Diane Sawyer and what is she famous for?
  2. Describe the ABC News studio that Charlie visited.
  3. Why is it important for news reporters to tell the truth?
  4. How did the visit to ABC News make Charlie feel about becoming a reporter?
  5. What did Charlie do at the tourist attraction after visiting ABC News?

Profile of Diane Sawyer

Year Born 
Place Born
Most famous for...
Is there anything named after them?
If deceased, year they died
Fun Fact

A Timeline of Diane Sawyer to another Festival

After learning all about Diane Sawyer, your job is to create a timeline of their life. You should add all the important events in their life but you can be inventive and add some interesting things that people might like to read about. You can make it as simply as you like with pen and paper or you can be very inventive and create a 3D diorama or hanging banner. The sky's the limit - go for it!

Slideshow - Diane Sawyer
A full set of teaching plans for Diane Sawyerteaching.