Here are 6 individual lesson plans to teach about the inspirational woman, Diana Taurasi, using the NCCA History 1999 curriculum: Lesson 1: Introduction to Diana Taurasi Time allocation: 45 minutes Resources needed: Pictures of Diana Taurasi, whiteboard, markers Introduction: 1. Show pictures of Diana Taurasi to the class. 2. Ask students if they know who she is and what she is famous for. Development: 1. Explain that Diana Taurasi is a professional basketball player from the United States. 2. Discuss where and when she lived. 3. Explain that she is famous for her achievements in basketball, including winning multiple championships and awards. Conclusion: 1. Summarize the key points about Diana Taurasi. 2. Ask students to share their thoughts and any additional information they learned. Assessment: 1. Have students draw a picture of Diana Taurasi and write a sentence about what they find inspiring about her. Lesson 2: Contributions to Society and Culture Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Online resources about Diana Taurasi, markers, large paper Introduction: 1. Ask students to brainstorm what it means to make contributions to society and culture. 2. Discuss examples of famous people who have made significant contributions. Development: 1. Provide students with online resources about Diana Taurasi's contributions to basketball and society. 2. Divide students into small groups and have them research and discuss the impact she had on her time and how her work has influenced the world. 3. Each group can present their findings to the class. Conclusion: 1. Summarize the contributions of Diana Taurasi to society and culture. 2. Ask students to reflect on how her achievements have influenced their own lives. Assessment: 1. Have students create a poster highlighting Diana Taurasi's contributions to society and culture. Lesson 3: Connecting Diana Taurasi to the Child's Life Time allocation: 45 minutes Resources needed: Chart paper, markers, magazines (optional) Introduction: 1. Ask students to think about their own dreams and aspirations. 2. Discuss the importance of having role models and how they can inspire us. Development: 1. Have students create a mind map on chart paper, connecting Diana Taurasi to their own lives. 2. Encourage students to think about how Diana Taurasi's achievements relate to their own goals and interests. 3. If available, provide magazines for students to cut out pictures or words that represent their own dreams and aspirations. Conclusion: 1. Discuss the connections students made between Diana Taurasi and their own lives. 2. Highlight the importance of having positive role models. Assessment: 1. Have students write a short paragraph explaining how Diana Taurasi inspires them to pursue their dreams. Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Diana Taurasi's Life Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Large paper, markers, pictures of Diana Taurasi at different stages of her life Introduction: 1. Show pictures of Diana Taurasi at different stages of her life. 2. Explain the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding historical events. Development: 1. Have students work in pairs or small groups to design a timeline of Diana Taurasi's life, including important milestones and achievements. 2. Provide them with markers and pictures to enhance their timelines. 3. Each group can present their timeline to the class. Conclusion: 1. Discuss the key events in Diana Taurasi's life. 2. Reflect on how her journey to success unfolded over time. Assessment: 1. Assess students' timelines based on accuracy, inclusion of important events, and creativity. Lesson 5: Diana Taurasi: The Legend Continues Time allocation: 45 minutes Resources needed: Video clips about Diana Taurasi, whiteboard, markers Introduction: 1. Show video clips highlighting Diana Taurasi's recent accomplishments and ongoing impact. 2. Ask students if they know any recent news or achievements related to her. Development: 1. Discuss the continued success of Diana Taurasi in her career. 2. Ask students to brainstorm ways in which her achievements have inspired others. 3. Have students share their own examples of people who continue to make a positive impact over time. Conclusion: 1. Summarize the recent achievements of Diana Taurasi. 2. Encourage students to think about how they can continue to make a positive impact in their own lives. Assessment: 1. Have students write a short paragraph about how Diana Taurasi's ongoing success inspires them to persevere in their own pursuits. Lesson 6: Diana Taurasi: A Role Model for Success Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Art supplies, poster paper, markers Introduction: 1. Discuss the qualities of a role model and the characteristics that make someone successful. 2. Ask students to think about who their own role models are and why. Development: 1. Have students create individual posters depicting Diana Taurasi as a role model for success. 2. Encourage them to include images, quotes, and key achievements that exemplify her success. 3. Allow students to share their posters with the class and explain their choices. Conclusion: 1. Reflect on the qualities of a role model and the success of Diana Taurasi. 2. Discuss how her story can inspire students to set goals and work towards success in their own lives. Assessment: 1. Assess students' posters based on creativity, inclusion of relevant information, and ability to convey Diana Taurasi as a role model for success. Note: Adapt the time allocation and resources to suit your specific classroom needs and availability.