Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Objective 1 45 minutes Books or online resources about Dervla Murphy Introduce Dervla Murphy and her background Read and discuss information about Dervla Murphy's life and achievements Recap the key points about Dervla Murphy's life Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they learned about Dervla Murphy
Lesson 2 Objective 2 45 minutes Art supplies, pictures of Dervla Murphy Discuss the concept of contributions to society and culture Explore Dervla Murphy's contributions and impact on her time Discuss how Dervla Murphy's work has influenced the world Ask students to create a poster showcasing Dervla Murphy's contributions
Lesson 3 Objective 3 45 minutes Chart paper, markers Encourage students to make connections between Dervla Murphy and their own lives Brainstorm ways in which Dervla Murphy's experiences relate to students' lives Share and discuss the connections students have made Ask students to write a short reflection on how they can be inspired by Dervla Murphy
Lesson 4 Objective 1, Objective 4 60 minutes Timeline templates, markers Introduce the concept of a timeline Create a timeline of Dervla Murphy's life, including key events and achievements Review and discuss the completed timelines Assess the accuracy and completeness of the timelines
Lesson 5 Objective 2 45 minutes Internet access, worksheets Research and explore Dervla Murphy's writings and adventures Discuss the impact of Dervla Murphy's travel books Reflect on how Dervla Murphy's writings have influenced readers Ask students to write a short book review of one of Dervla Murphy's books
Lesson 6 Objective 2, Objective 3 60 minutes Art supplies, pictures of Dervla Murphy Discuss the concept of cultural diversity and understanding Explore how Dervla Murphy's travels helped her understand different cultures Create artwork representing cultural diversity, inspired by Dervla Murphy Assess the creativity and understanding of cultural diversity displayed in students' artwork