Welcome to Derryerglinna

Derryerglinna is a small townland in County Galway, Ireland. It's like a tiny dot on a big map! But did you know, every place, no matter how small, has a story to tell?

Long, long ago, Derryerglinna was covered in beautiful forests. 'Derry' even means 'oak' in Irish! People lived here for centuries, farming the land and taking care of animals. Although no famous battles happened here or kings lived here, the everyday people of Derryerglinna were heroes in their own right. They survived harsh winters, grew their own food and built their homes with their bare hands.

The people of Derryerglinna have always been known for their hard work and love for their land. They cherished their traditions and passed them down to their children, just like your parents are teaching you now!

Today, Derryerglinna may seem like a tiny, quiet place, but if you listen closely, you can hear the whispers of its past. Every field, every stone, every tree has a story to tell. So, next time you visit, look around and imagine the history that lies beneath your feet!

  1. What does 'Derry' mean in Irish?
  2. What were the people of Derryerglinna known for?
  3. What can you hear if you listen closely to Derryerglinna?
  4. Why do you think the everyday people of Derryerglinna were considered heroes?
  5. How do you think the traditions of Derryerglinna have shaped the townland today?

All About Derryerglinna

Derryerglinna, in County Galway, is a fascinating place! It's a bit like a big jigsaw puzzle with all its different pieces fitting together to form a beautiful picture.

The most famous street in Derryerglinna is Main Street. It's like the spine of a book, holding everything together. There are colourful houses, shops where you can buy sweet treats, and friendly people who love to say hello.

The area is a bit like an outdoor classroom for nature lovers. You'll find tall, whispering trees, colourful wildflowers, and lots of friendly animals. You can spot playful squirrels, singing birds, and if you're very quiet, you might even see a fox!

Derryerglinna doesn't have any mountains, but it has something just as cool - the mighty River Shannon flows nearby. It's like a giant, wiggly snake made of water, home to all kinds of fish. You might even see a graceful swan or a playful otter splashing around!

There are also lots of benches around Derryerglinna. They're perfect for sitting down with a good book, or just watching the world go by. So, bring your sense of adventure and come explore Derryerglinna, there's so much to see and do!.

  1. What types of wildlife can you find in Derryerglinna?
  2. Describe the River Shannon. What types of creatures might you find in it?
  3. Use a map to locate Derryerglinna in County Galway. What other towns or landmarks are nearby?
  4. If you were to visit Derryerglinna, where would you go and why?
  5. Explore the area around Derryerglinna and find something of geographical interest. What is it and why did you choose it?

My Family and Derryerglinna

Hi, I'm Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I live in Derryerglinna, Co. Galway, which is one of the most beautiful places in the world! There's loads of cool stuff here. My favourite is the big old castle on the hill. It's really, really old and sometimes I like to imagine myself as a knight or a princess living there a long, long time ago.

I also love the river that runs by our house. It's so peaceful to sit by and listen to. Sometimes, I even see fishes jumping out of the water. I've tried to catch them, but they're too quick for me!

There's also a huge forest near us. It's full of different types of trees and animals. I've seen rabbits, foxes, and once I even saw a deer. I like to go on adventures in there with my friends, pretending we're explorers discovering new lands.

Living in Derryerglinna is just like living in a fairy tale. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Bye for now!

  1. What is Jamie's favourite place in Derryerglinna?
  2. How does Jamie feel when sitting by the river?
  3. What animals has Jamie seen in the forest?
  4. What games does Jamie like to play in the forest?
  5. Why does Jamie love living in Derryerglinna?

The Logainm of Derryerglinna

Derryerglinna is a very special place in County Galway, Ireland. In the Irish language, Derryerglinna means 'Oak wood of the small glen'. The name tells us about the old times when the area was covered with many oak trees and was situated in a small valley or glen.

Long ago, people used to cut these oak trees to build houses and boats. The wood from the oak trees was very strong and lasted for a long time. Over the years, many of these trees were cut down and the landscape changed. But the name Derryerglinna reminds us of what it used to be like.

Today, Derryerglinna might not have many oak trees, but the name still carries the memory of the past. It's like a secret code that tells us about the history of this place. So, even though the place has changed, its name keeps the history alive and connects us to the past.

  1. What does the name Derryerglinna mean in English?
  2. What were the oak trees in Derryerglinna used for in the past?
  3. Why do you think the name Derryerglinna is like a 'secret code'?
  4. How does the name Derryerglinna connect us to the past?
  5. Can you think of any other place names that might tell us something about the history of the place?

Slideshow - Derryerglinna
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Derryerglinna