Welcome to Delgany

Delgany is a special little town in County Wicklow, Ireland. It's like a hidden gem full of history that's as exciting as a storybook.

Long, long ago, before your great-great-great grandparents were born, Delgany was a busy place. The first people settled here over a thousand years ago! They were called the Vikings. I bet you've heard of them, haven't you? They were known for their big, long ships and adventurous spirits.

These Vikings left their mark on Delgany. They built a tiny church, called St. Kevin's, which is still standing today. Just imagine, a building that's been around for a thousand years! It's made of stone and is really pretty.

But that's not all. Delgany was also known for its mills. A mill is a building where grain is crushed to make flour for bread. The River Vartry that runs through Delgany was perfect for powering these mills.

So, Delgany might be small, but it's got a big story to tell. It's a place where history was made and continues to be written every day. Isn't that cool?

  1. Who were the first people to settle in Delgany?
  2. What is the name of the church the Vikings built in Delgany?
  3. What was the purpose of the mills in Delgany?
  4. Why do you think the Vikings chose to settle in Delgany?
  5. How does the history of Delgany continue to be written every day?

All About Delgany

Delgany is a pretty village in the county of Wicklow, Ireland. It's nestled just below the hill of Kindlestown, which is lovely for a walk! The River Delgany runs through the village, making it a wonderful place for ducks and other water creatures to live. You might also spot some squirrels, foxes and lots of birds!

One of the best-known places in Delgany is the Delgany National School, where lots of children like you go to learn. There are also many interesting streets here like Church Road, where you can find the oldest bakery in Wicklow. Yum!

Delgany is blessed with lots of greenery, trees and flowers. The common trees are oak, ash, and birch. Have you ever collected acorns from an oak tree? It's fun!

There are also some special landmarks like the old St. Patrick's Church where people have been going for hundreds of years. The beautiful Delgany Golf Club is another important spot. You might not play golf now, but maybe you will when you're older!

So, Delgany is a wonderful place with lots to see and explore. It has beautiful nature, interesting buildings, and a lovely river. Why not visit one day?

  1. What are some of the animals you might spot in Delgany?
  2. What kind of trees are common in Delgany?
  3. Can you name two landmarks in Delgany and describe what they are known for?
  4. Using a map of Wicklow, can you find and mark the River Delgany, Kindlestown Hill, and the Delgany National School?
  5. Next time you visit Delgany, can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? Write a short description about it.

My Family and Delgany

Hi! I'm Max, and I'm 8 years old. I live in a lovely place called Delgany in County Wicklow. I love where I live because it's full of cool things to see and explore!

One of my favorite places is the Delgany Village. It has a really old church called Christ Church, and it's super old - like hundreds of years old! Sometimes, I like to sit there and imagine what life was like in the olden days. It's a great place to play hide and seek with my friends too.

Another thing I love about Delgany is The Pigs' Little Green. It's a small park with lots of trees and a playground. I love climbing the trees and sliding down the slide. It's the best place for a picnic too, especially when it's sunny outside.

Oh, and we also have the Glen of the Downs Nature Reserve nearby. It's a big forest where I go with my family on weekends. I love spotting different animals and plants there. It's like being on a wild adventure!

So, that's a little about me and where I live. There's so much more to explore and discover in Delgany - it's just the most exciting place to grow up!

  1. Can you describe what Max likes about living in Delgany?
  2. What is Max's favourite activity in The Pigs' Little Green?
  3. What are some of the things Max imagines when he sits in Christ Church?
  4. What does Max enjoy doing in the Glen of the Downs Nature Reserve?
  5. How does Max feel about growing up in Delgany?

The Logainm of Delgany

Delgany is a beautiful place in County Wicklow, Ireland. The name 'Delgany' comes from the Irish word 'Deilgne', which means 'thorn bush'. Once upon a time, there were probably lots of thorn bushes around this area, and that's how it got its name.

Delgany has a rich history. There's a very old church called 'Delgany Parish Church' that dates back to the 11th century! Just imagine how old that is. It's been standing for nearly a thousand years! It has a special round tower, which was used long ago as a lookout to warn people when there were invaders coming.

Today, Delgany is a growing village with more houses, schools, and shops. But it still keeps its charm and history alive. The ancient church is still there, and the villagers are proud of their heritage. The name 'Delgany' reminds them of the thorn bushes that once covered the land, and the strength of the people who lived there in the past.

  1. What does the name 'Delgany' mean in English?
  2. What is special about the Delgany Parish Church?
  3. Why do you think the round tower in Delgany Parish Church was used for?
  4. How has Delgany changed from the past to now?
  5. Why do you think it's important for Delgany to keep its history alive?

Slideshow - Delgany
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Delgany