Welcome to Debicot

Debicot is a lovely townland nestled in County Laois, Ireland. Even though it's a small place, it's got a big, adventurous history!

Hundreds of years ago, people in Debicot were mostly farmers, just like many parts of Ireland. They grew potatoes, carrots, and many other yummy vegetables. They also had animals like cows, sheep and chickens. Can you imagine the fun they had playing around the farms?

While no big battles or famous stories happened in Debicot, it's always been a place where people worked together and helped each other. Imagine, if anyone was sick or needed help with their farm, their neighbours would always be there to lend a hand. That's what makes this townland special and unique.

Debicot might be small in size, but it's rich in stories of friendship, teamwork, and a close-knit community. The people there are proud of their history and continue to live by the same values of helping and supporting each other. Isn't it wonderful to know about such a place?

  1. What were the main jobs of the people in Debicot hundreds of years ago?
  2. What types of vegetables did they grow and what animals did they have on their farms?
  3. What makes Debicot special and unique?
  4. In what ways do the people of Debicot continue to live out their historical values today?
  5. Why is it important for a community to work together and support each other?

All About Debicot

Debicot is a charming little place in County Laois, Ireland. It might not be a big city, but it's full of wonders for us to explore! The town is surrounded by green fields and farms, where you can see cows, sheep, and horses grazing peacefully. There are lots of wildflowers, such as buttercups and daisies, that paint the fields with their bright colors.

The River Barrow, one of the longest rivers in Ireland, curiously twists and turns near Debicot. It's like the river is playing a game of hide and seek with the town! Lots of fish live in the river, and if you're lucky, you might even spot a heron standing still as a statue, waiting for its lunch to swim by.

In the town, there's a beautiful old church on Church Street. It has a tall spire that points up to the sky, as if it's trying to touch the clouds! There aren't any mountains around Debicot, but the Slieve Bloom Mountains are not too far away. They look like gentle green giants watching over the town.

Debicot might be small, but it's a lovely place full of nature's beauty. The people who live here are very lucky indeed!.

  1. What types of animals can you find grazing in the fields around Debicot?
  2. Describe the path of the River Barrow as it passes near Debicot. Why might this be of geographical interest?
  3. What is the significance of the church's tall spire in Debicot?
  4. Using a map, locate Debicot and the Slieve Bloom Mountains. How far away are they from each other?
  5. Explore the area around Debicot. Can you find something of geographical interest that hasn't been mentioned in the text? Describe what you found and why it's interesting.

My Family and Debicot

Hi! I'm Harper, and I'm eight years old. I live in Debicot, Co. Laois, which is a really cool place. You might not know it, but we have some pretty neat things around here.

One of my favourite spots is the Old Mill. It's super old and big, and my friends and I like to play hide and seek there. I always choose the best hiding spots!

I also like going to the Round Tower. It's really tall and sometimes, when it's a clear day, I can see it from my house! I pretend it's a giant's castle. I like imagining what it would be like to live in a castle.

Then, there's the park. It's not as old as the Mill or the Tower, but it's a lot of fun. There's a swing set and a slide that I can't get enough of, especially when it's sunny outside.

So, even though Debicot might be small, it's full of adventures and I love living here. I can't wait to explore even more as I grow up!

  1. What is Harper's favourite spot in Debicot?
  2. What does Harper pretend the Round Tower is?
  3. What game does Harper play at the Old Mill?
  4. What can Harper see from their house on a clear day?
  5. What does Harper like to do at the park?

The Logainm of Debicot

Debicot is a special place in County Laois, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish language, just like many other places in our country. The Irish name 'Debicot' translates to 'Small Ditch' in English. This might be because there could have been a small ditch or a tiny stream flowing here a long time ago.

Let's take a little trip back in time! Long, long ago, people used names like 'Debicot' to describe what a place looked like or what was there. It helped travelers know what to expect. So, if someone was going to Debicot, they might have known to look for a small ditch or stream!

Fast forward to today, Debicot might not have a small ditch anymore, but the name has stuck. It is a wonderful reminder of how our ancestors lived and how they used language to understand the world around them. Now, when we say 'Debicot', we're not just talking about a place. We're also remembering a piece of Irish history!

  1. What does the name 'Debicot' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think places like Debicot were named after things like small ditches?
  3. How did the name 'Debicot' help travelers a long time ago?
  4. Even though Debicot might not have a small ditch anymore, why do we still call it 'Debicot'?
  5. How does the name 'Debicot' help us remember a piece of Irish history?

Slideshow - Debicot
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Debicot