Lesson 1: Introduction to Day of the Covenant
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Story of Day of the Covenant

Introduction: Discuss the importance of celebrations in different religions. Introduce Baha'ism and Day of the Covenant.

Development: Read and discuss the story of Day of the Covenant. Explore its roots and history.

Conclusion: Recap the key points learned about Day of the Covenant.

Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture representing Day of the Covenant.
Lesson 2: Symbols and Traditions of Day of the Covenant
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Symbols and traditions materials

Introduction: Review the story of Day of the Covenant. Introduce symbols and traditions.

Development: Explore the symbols and traditions associated with Day of the Covenant. Create a classroom display.

Conclusion: Discuss the significance of symbols and traditions in Baha'ism.

Assessment: Ask students to write about their favorite symbol or tradition of Day of the Covenant.
Lesson 3: Connecting Day of the Covenant to Daily Life
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Real-life examples

Introduction: Discuss the concept of connecting religious celebrations to daily life.

Development: Brainstorm ways in which Day of the Covenant can be connected to the students' lives.

Conclusion: Share and discuss the students' ideas on connecting Day of the Covenant to daily life.

Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph on how they can apply the teachings of Day of the Covenant in their lives.
Lesson 4: Exploring Concepts of Day of the Covenant
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Concept cards

Introduction: Review the story and concepts of Day of the Covenant. Introduce concept cards.

Development: Students pick a concept card and discuss its relevance to Day of the Covenant.

Conclusion: Reflect on the various concepts explored and their significance in Baha'ism.

Assessment: Have students create their own concept card related to Day of the Covenant.
Lesson 5: Storytelling of the Day of the Covenant
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Storytelling props

Introduction: Discuss the power of storytelling in passing down traditions.

Development: Students work in groups to create and perform a storytelling presentation of the Day of the Covenant.

Conclusion: Watch and discuss each group's storytelling performance.

Assessment: Evaluate the creativity and understanding of the students' storytelling presentations.
Lesson 6: Artistic Expression of Day of the Covenant
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Art supplies

Introduction: Discuss the role of art in expressing beliefs and celebrations.

Development: Students create artwork inspired by Day of the Covenant using various art mediums.

Conclusion: Display and discuss the students' artwork.

Assessment: Assess the creativity and interpretation of Day of the Covenant in the students' artwork.