Lesson 1:
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Books on local history, access to internet for research
Introduction Start by discussing what a placename is and its importance. Then, introduce Crossneen Co. Laois and its historical background, focusing on the logainm of the placename.
  1. Activity 1: Children will research the meaning and origin of the placename.
  2. Activity 2: Children will create a timeline of significant historical events in the area.
  3. Activity 3: Children will compare how the area has changed over time, using pictures and descriptions.
Conclusion Children will share their findings with the class and discuss the importance of local history.
Assessment Assess children's understanding and knowledge through their research findings, timelines, and discussion.
Lesson 2:
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Biographies of notable persons, access to internet for research
Introduction Introduce a notable person from the area or nearby. Discuss their background and why they are important.
  1. Activity 1: Children will research the life and accomplishments of the notable person.
  2. Activity 2: Children will create a poster displaying the person's life and achievements.
  3. Activity 3: Children will write a short essay on how the person has influenced the area.
Conclusion Children will present their posters and essays to the class and discuss the person's contributions.
Assessment Assess children's understanding and knowledge through their research, posters, essays, and discussion.
...and so on for the remaining lessons.