Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Creagh History - Placename 60 Minutes Books, internet access, notebooks Introduction to Creagh's history and how it got its name Activity 1: Research on the internet and books. Activity 2: Discussion on the findings. Activity 3: Write a short essay on the history of the name. Wrap up the history and interesting facts about the name Creagh Review of essays and discussion participation
Notable Person from Creagh 60 Minutes Books, internet access, notebooks Introduction to the notable person Activity 1: Research on the person. Activity 2: Group discussion. Activity 3: Write a paragraph about the notable person. Summarize the notable person's life and their impact on Creagh Review of written paragraphs and discussion participation
Natural Geography of Creagh 60 Minutes Maps, books, internet access Introduction to Creagh's natural geography Activity 1: Identify geographical features on a map. Activity 2: Research on the features. Activity 3: Draw and label Creagh's geographical features. Summary of Creagh's geographical features Assess the drawings and participation in activities
Mapping Skills of Creagh 60 Minutes Maps, rulers, pencils Introduction to basic mapping skills Activity 1: Learn about map symbols. Activity 2: Learn about scale and directions. Activity 3: Draw a map of Creagh using learned skills. Summary of mapping skills learned Assess the drawn maps and understanding of map skills
Biodiversity in Creagh 60 Minutes Internet access, books, notebooks Introduction to biodiversity and its importance Activity 1: Identify local flora and fauna. Activity 2: Discuss threats to biodiversity. Activity 3: Suggest ways to protect biodiversity in Creagh. Summary of the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it Assess the understanding of biodiversity and suggestions for its protection
Art Inspired by Creagh 60 Minutes Art supplies Introduction to using surroundings as art inspiration Activity 1: Walk around Creagh for inspiration. Activity 2: Sketch or paint a scene from Creagh. Activity 3: Discuss the created art in groups. Summary of the created art and the inspiration behind them Assess the created art and the understanding of using surroundings as inspiration