Here are your six lesson plans: ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Corrycorka 60 mins History books, internet, projector Discussion on what history is and the importance of local history Activity 1: Research the history of Corrycorka. Activity 2: Discuss the meaning of the placename. Activity 3: Create a timeline of key events. Summarize the history of Corrycorka and its placename Oral questions and assessment of timeline
2: Notable Person 60 mins Internet, books, photos Discussion on what makes a person notable Activity 1: Research a notable person from the area. Activity 2: Discuss the person's contributions. Activity 3: Role-play the person's life. Summarize the notable person's life and contributions Oral questions and assessment of role-play
3: Natural Geography 60 mins Maps, internet, pictures Discussion on natural geography and its importance Activity 1: Identify natural features in Corrycorka. Activity 2: Discuss how these features influence the area. Activity 3: Draw or model these features. Summarize the natural geography of Corrycorka Oral questions and assessment of drawings/models
4: Mapping Skills 60 mins Maps, pencils, rulers Discussion on what a map is and why it's important Activity 1: Study a map of Corrycorka. Activity 2: Identify key features on the map. Activity 3: Draw a map of Corrycorka. Summarize the importance of maps and how to read them Oral questions and assessment of maps
5: Biodiversity 60 mins Internet, books, pictures Discussion on what biodiversity is and why it's important Activity 1: Identify examples of biodiversity in Corrycorka. Activity 2: Discuss threats to this biodiversity. Activity 3: Propose ways to protect the biodiversity. Summarize the importance of biodiversity and how to protect it Oral questions and assessment of proposals
6: Visual Arts 60 mins Art supplies Discussion on what art is and how it can be inspired by our surroundings Activity 1: Study the local area. Activity 2: Discuss how it can be represented in art. Activity 3: Create a piece of art based on Corrycorka. Summarize how the local area can inspire art Assessment of art pieces
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