Welcome to Corrofin

Corrofin, a lovely townland in County Galway, Ireland, has a rich history that's exciting to learn about!

Many, many years ago, people called the Gaels lived here. They built lots of stone forts, called "dún" in Gaelic. Corrofin actually means "the white or bright stone fort." Isn't that cool?

One of the most famous things that happened in Corrofin was the Battle of Knockdoe in 1504. A powerful Irish chief named Garrett Mor Fitzgerald led his army against another chief, Ulick Burke. They fought over who should be the top ruler in the area. Imagine seeing all those warriors in their shiny armour!

Today, Corrofin is a peaceful place, with beautiful green fields and friendly people. Although it has changed a lot over the years, you can still see signs of its past, like the stone forts and old buildings. Walking around Corrofin is like stepping back in time and into a storybook!

So, even though it might seem like a small townland, Corrofin has a big history. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll make history there too!

  1. Who lived in Corrofin many years ago?
  2. What does Corrofin mean?
  3. What famous event happened in Corrofin in 1504?
  4. Why do you think the Battle of Knockdoe was important to the people of Corrofin?
  5. If you could visit Corrofin today, what signs of its past would you look for and why?

All About Corrofin

Corrofin, a lovely little place in Co. Galway, is full of charm and nature. Tucked away in the western part of Ireland, Corrofin is a place where skyscrapers are replaced with beautiful green fields and pastures.

Local streets like Church Street invite exploration, with neat houses and friendly people aplenty. A simple hello can go a long way here!

Corrofin is a paradise for nature lovers. It's home to all sorts of animals like rabbits, squirrels, and, if you're lucky, even foxes! Birdwatchers will delight in the sight of robins and blackbirds. The area is green and lush, with plenty of trees and flowers. Don't miss out on the wild blackberries that you might find here.

The Fergus River, a beautiful sparkling river, flows nearby. It's a great place to watch ducks and maybe even catch a fish. If you're up for an adventure, take a trip to the Burren, a big rocky landscape close by. It's like being on the moon!

In Corrofin, even the benches and lampposts have character. They're painted in bright colours, which makes the village feel cheerful and welcoming. So, come and explore Corrofin, a little place with a big heart.

  1. What kinds of animals can you find in Corrofin?
  2. Describe the geographical features of the Burren.
  3. How does the Fergus River contribute to the geography of Corrofin?
  4. Using a map of Corrofin, can you find and draw a route from Church Street to the Burren?
  5. Explore Corrofin yourself and find something of geographical interest. What is it and why did it catch your attention?

My Family and Corrofin

Hi, my name is Pat and I'm 8 years old. I live in a small village called Corrofin in Co. Galway. It's a really cool place. We have a wonderful park where I love to play football and have picnics.

One of my favourite places to visit is the Burren National Park. It's just a short trip from Corrofin. It's so big and there are loads of animals and flowers. I once saw a hare hopping about!

There are also lots of old ruins around Corrofin, like the Dysert O'Dea Castle. It's really old and I love imagining what life was like when people lived there.

Another thing I love about living in Corrofin is the music. There's always a chance to hear traditional Irish music in the pubs. Even though I'm too young to go to the pub, sometimes, musicians play outside and I love to dance and clap along.

I'm really lucky to grow up here and I can't wait to explore more of Corrofin as I get older!

  1. Why is Corrofin a special place for Pat?
  2. What animals might you see at the Burren National Park?
  3. What does Pat like to imagine about the Dysert O'Dea Castle?
  4. How does music play a role in Pat's life in Corrofin?
  5. What are Pat's feelings about growing up in Corrofin?

The Logainm of Corrofin

Corrofin is a lovely place in County Galway, Ireland. Do you know what 'Corrofin' means in English? It comes from the Irish 'Corr Uí Fhinn', which means 'Finn's Round Hill'. This name tells us a story about the area's landscape and its history.

Long ago, there was a man named Finn who lived in this area. The people named the hill after him, perhaps because he lived there or maybe because he was an important person. Over time, the name of this hill became the name of the whole area, 'Corrofin'. Isn't it amazing how places get their names?

Today, if you visit Corrofin, you won't find Finn's Round Hill because it's not a round hill anymore. But you will still see many beautiful hills and landscapes that remind us of the story of Finn. So, even though things change with time, the name 'Corrofin' keeps telling us about its past.

  1. What does 'Corrofin' mean in English?
  2. Who was Finn in the story of Corrofin's name?
  3. Why do you think the area was named after a hill?
  4. What has changed in Corrofin from the past to the present?
  5. How does the name 'Corrofin' help us remember its history?

Slideshow - Corrofin
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Corrofin