Welcome to Cornarona

Cornarona is a special little place in County Galway, Ireland. This area is called a "townland". It's not quite a town, but it's more than just land. It's a place where people have lived for a very long time.

Years and years ago, even before your grandparents were born, people lived in Cornarona. They worked hard, farming the land, growing crops, and raising animals. They built homes and raised families, just like people do today.

Even though we don't know of any big, famous events that happened in Cornarona, that doesn't mean it's not important. Every place has a story to tell, and Cornarona's story is one of everyday life and the people who lived it.

Just imagine, children like you going to school, playing games, doing chores, and growing up in Cornarona. They would have watched the seasons change, just like you do. They would have seen the same hills, trees, and sky that you see when you visit.

So, even if Cornarona might seem like just a small, ordinary place, remember that it's filled with the history of people's lives. And that makes it pretty special, don't you think?

  1. What is a "townland"?
  2. What is the story of Cornarona about?
  3. What would children in Cornarona do just like you?
  4. Why do you think Cornarona is an important place even if no famous events happened there?
  5. If you could ask a person who lived in Cornarona a long time ago one question, what would it be and why?

All About Cornarona

Welcome to Cornarona, a lovely place in Co. Galway, Ireland! It's full of exciting things to discover. Cornarona is nestled in the beautiful Irish countryside, surrounded by lush green fields and rolling hills. It's a bit like being in a giant green playground!

One of the best parts about Cornarona is the Moyrus River. It's not too big, but it's perfect for skipping stones and spotting ducks. If you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of a playful otter!

Cornarona is also home to many interesting plants and animals. In the fields, you can find daisies and buttercups, and if you look closely, you might even spot a busy little hedgehog or a rabbit hopping by.

There are no big mountains or famous streets in Cornarona, but there's a lovely old stone wall that runs along the road. It's very old and mossy, and it's home to lots of little creatures, like snails and spiders.

So, whether you're exploring the river, discovering wildlife, or just enjoying the beautiful scenery, there's always an adventure waiting for you in Cornarona!

  1. What is one of the best parts about Cornarona and why?
  2. Name two types of plants and two types of animals that you can find in Cornarona.
  3. What's special about the old stone wall in Cornarona?
  4. Using a map of Co. Galway, can you locate Cornarona? What geographical features can you identify near Cornarona on the map?
  5. Explore Cornarona yourself and find something of geographical interest. What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Cornarona

Hi there! I'm Sam, and I just turned 8 years old. I live in a beautiful place called Cornarona in Co. Galway. It's really cool here because we have lots of fun things to see and do. My favourite is the Corrib River. It's so big and shiny, and sometimes I see fish jumping out of the water!

There's also a super-awesome place called the Connemara National Park. It's full of animals and trees and I love exploring it with my friends. We have cool adventures and pretend we're in a magical forest. Sometimes, we even see deer and it feels like we're in a fairy tale!

One of the best things about Cornarona is the Galway Bay. It's so beautiful and it sparkles when the sun shines. I love going there with my family. We build sandcastles, play with the waves and sometimes we even have picnics. It's the best!

I hope you've enjoyed my little tour of Cornarona. It's a really cool place to grow up and I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you!

  1. What is Sam's favourite place in Cornarona and why?
  2. What kind of adventures does Sam have in the Connemara National Park?
  3. What does Sam like to do at Galway Bay?
  4. Who does Sam usually go with to the Galway Bay?
  5. How does Sam describe the Corrib River?

The Logainm of Cornarona

Cornarona is a special place in the country of Ireland, in a county called Galway. The name 'Cornarona' is very old and comes from the Irish language, which is one of the oldest languages in the world! In English, 'Cornarona' means 'the round hill'. Long time ago, people used to name places based on what they looked like or what was there, so you can guess that Cornarona probably has a round hill!

Over the years, Cornarona has seen many things happen. People have lived there, built homes, and shared stories. The round hill that gave Cornarona its name has seen it all. Even today, if you visit Cornarona, you can see the round hill. It's a part of history that's still present.

Today, Cornarona is a quiet place where people live and enjoy the beauty of nature. The round hill is still there, standing tall and proud. It's a nice reminder of the past and a symbol of the present. So, the next time you think of Cornarona, remember the round hill!

  1. What does 'Cornarona' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think places were named after what they looked like long time ago?
  3. What has the round hill in Cornarona seen over the years?
  4. How is the round hill a part of history that's still present today?
  5. What does the round hill symbolize in Cornarona today?

Slideshow - Cornarona
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Cornarona