Welcome to Corduff

Corduff is a special little townland in County Dublin, Ireland. Do you know what makes it special? Let's go on an adventure through time and find out!

Long, long ago, before your grandparents or even their grandparents were born, Corduff was mainly farmland. People worked very hard growing crops and raising animals. These farms were very important as they provided food for people living in and around Corduff.

Although there aren't any famous battles or royal visits in Corduff's history, it has a unique story to tell. Over the years, it changed from a rural farming community to a bustling urban area. You see, in the 1960s, Dublin started growing very quickly! More people needed homes, so they began building houses in places like Corduff.

Today, Corduff is a lively suburb, full of families, schools, and parks. The old farms may be gone, but the spirit of community and hard work from those early days is still alive in Corduff. Isn't it interesting how places can change over time? Just like you're growing and changing, so did Corduff!

  1. What was Corduff mainly made up of long, long ago?
  2. What major change happened to Corduff in the 1960s?
  3. What is Corduff like today?
  4. What do you think the term 'spirit of community' means in the context of Corduff's history?
  5. How does the story of Corduff's change over time relate to your own growth and changes?

All About Corduff

Corduff is a lovely area in County Dublin, Ireland. It's like a giant playground with streets, buildings, and nature all around. The heart of Corduff is filled with streets like Corduff Road and Blackcourt Road. These streets are lined with cosy homes, shops and schools. A notable place is Corduff Park, a big green space where you can play football, run around, and have picnics.

Nature in Corduff is as exciting as a storybook! There are lots of different trees, like the tall sycamore, and beautiful flowers like daisies and daffodils. Keep your eyes peeled for the animals that call Corduff home. You might see playful squirrels, tweeting birds, and even a cute hedgehog or two!

You won't find any mountains in Corduff, but there's a little river called the Tolka that flows not too far away. The river is like a ribbon of blue, winding its way through the land.

Street furniture? That's a fancy term for things like benches, lampposts, and bus stops. They're important because they help make Corduff a safe and comfortable place to live.

Corduff is a wonderful place full of surprises. So, get ready to explore and have fun!

  1. What are some examples of street furniture you might find in Corduff?
  2. Can you name two types of trees you might find in Corduff?
  3. Using a map, can you point out where the Tolka river is in relation to Corduff?
  4. What activities can you do at Corduff Park?
  5. Explore Corduff yourself and find something of geographical interest. What did you find and why is it interesting?

My Family and Corduff

Hi there! I'm Danny, and I'm 8 years old. I live in this cool place called Corduff in Co. Dublin. It's really fun living here! We have lots of green fields where I play football with my friends. I love the tall trees around, they make the best shade for our picnics.

There's this big park near my house called Corduff Park. It's the best! It has this huge playground with slides and swings. Sometimes, we have school trips there, and we all have a great time playing and running around.

Another thing I love about Corduff is our community centre. They have loads of activities for kids like me. I go there after school to do my homework and play table tennis. It's cool because I get to meet other kids from different schools too!

My favourite place in Corduff though is the library. It's not just any library, it's the coolest library ever! It's full of books and even has computers where I can play learning games. I love reading about dinosaurs and space!

So that's all about me and where I live. Corduff is a really awesome place!

  1. What is Danny's favourite place in Corduff?
  2. What does Danny like to do in the park?
  3. What activities does Danny participate in at the community centre?
  4. What does Danny like to read about at the library?
  5. Why does Danny think Corduff is a great place to live?

The Logainm of Corduff

Corduff is a fascinating place found in County Dublin, Ireland. The name 'Corduff' comes from the Irish language, where it is written as "Corr Dubh". Now, you might be wondering what that means. It translates to 'Black Round Hill' in English. This special name was given because the area has a round hill that appears dark or black.

A long time ago, people used to speak only Irish, and they named places based on what they looked like or significant events that happened there. Over time, as English started being used more, these Irish names were translated into English. So, the 'Black Round Hill' we know today was once known by everyone as 'Corr Dubh'.

Nowadays, Corduff is known for its schools, sports clubs, and friendly community. While the hill may not be as important now as it was in the past, the name 'Corduff' still reminds us of the rich history and culture of this place. So, the next time you think of Corduff, remember that its name carries a story that goes back hundreds of years.

  1. What does 'Corduff' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think Corduff was given this name?
  3. What language was 'Corduff' translated from?
  4. How does the name 'Corduff' remind us of its history?
  5. Can you mention one thing that Corduff is known for today?

Slideshow - Corduff
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Corduff