Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Corbetstown 60 minutes Books/Internet for research, writing materials Discussion about the importance of local history and place names Activity 1: Research on the history of Corbetstown and its name origin
Activity 2: Group discussion on findings
Activity 3: Writing a brief history of Corbetstown
Recap of the important historical facts about Corbetstown and its name Written history of Corbetstown, participation in discussion
2. Notable Person from the Area 60 minutes Books/Internet for research, writing materials Discussion on the concept of 'notability' and local heroes Activity 1: Research on a notable person from nearby area
Activity 2: Group discussion on the person's life and contributions
Activity 3: Writing a short biography of the person
Reflection on the contributions of the notable person to the local community Written biography, participation in discussion
3. Geography of Corbetstown 60 minutes Maps, Internet for research, writing materials Introduction to physical geography and features of Corbetstown Activity 1: Identifying physical features on a map
Activity 2: Research on the geological formation of these features
Activity 3: Writing descriptions of these geographical features
Discussion on how geography influences life and culture in Corbetstown Written descriptions, participation in discussion
4. Mapping Corbetstown 60 minutes Blank maps, writing materials, rulers Introduction to map-making and its importance Activity 1: Drafting a basic map of Corbetstown
Activity 2: Adding geographical features to the map
Activity 3: Adding local landmarks to the map
Discussion on the importance of accuracy in map-making Completed maps, participation in discussion
5. Biodiversity in Corbetstown 60 minutes Internet for research, writing materials Discussion on biodiversity and its importance Activity 1: Research on local flora and fauna
Activity 2: Group discussion on protecting these species
Activity 3: Writing a brief plan to protect local biodiversity
Reflection on the importance of conserving local biodiversity Written biodiversity protection plan, participation in discussion
6. Art inspired by Corbetstown 60 minutes Art supplies, pictures of Corbetstown Discussion on how locality can inspire art Activity 1: Drawing/painting/sculpting inspired by Corbetstown
Activity 2: Sharing and discussing the art pieces
Activity 3: Displaying the art pieces in the classroom
Reflection on how Corbetstown inspired their artwork Completed art pieces, participation in discussion