Welcome to Corbally

Corbally is a special place with a rich history. It's not just a townland; it's like a big, exciting book with lots of interesting stories!

A long, long time ago, this place was filled with green fields and pretty flowers. People started living here about 800 years ago. That's almost as old as your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents!

Now, you might be thinking, "Did anything exciting happen here?" Well, there's one story that stands out. Ages ago, when knights and castles were around, there was a big, tall tower in Corbally. This tower was home to a brave knight who protected everyone living in the townland.

But one day, a fierce dragon came to Corbally. Oh no! But don't worry, because the brave knight fought the dragon and saved everyone. The people were so thankful that they celebrated for days with music and dancing.

Today, there's no dragon or knight, but the memory of their story still makes Corbally a special place. So, whenever you visit, remember, you're walking where a brave knight once walked and where a dragon was defeated. Pretty cool, right?

  1. What is Corbally?
  2. How old is the townland of Corbally?
  3. What special event happened in Corbally a long time ago?
  4. Why do you think the people of Corbally celebrated for days after the knight defeated the dragon?
  5. How does the story of the knight and the dragon make Corbally a special place today?

All About Corbally

Corbally is a lovely place in Ireland. It's like a big, green playground with many amazing things to see and explore. Imagine a place where you can see a lot of cute animals, beautiful plants, and exciting places - that's Corbally!

One of the most exciting places in Corbally is the River Shannon. This river is like a big, sparkling ribbon that cuts across the land. It's a great place for ducks and swans to swim.

Corbally also has a place called Westfields Wetlands, a home for many creatures. Here, you can find frogs, dragonflies, and even herons. It's a place where plants like reeds and willow trees grow tall and strong.

There is a famous road in Corbally called Mill Road. It's not a regular road, it's special because it leads to an old windmill! This windmill is a reminder of how people used to make flour long ago.

Corbally is also home to a big, green area called Corbally Line. This place is perfect for playing, picnicking, or just lying on the grass and watching the clouds go by. Corbally is definitely a fun place to explore!.

  1. What types of animals and plants can you find in Westfields Wetlands?
  2. Why is Mill Road in Corbally considered special?
  3. Using a map, can you describe the geographical features of Corbally?
  4. By exploring the area yourself, can you find and describe something of geographical interest in Corbally?
  5. What activities can you do in the green area called Corbally Line?

My Family and Corbally

Hi everyone! I'm Vinnie, and I'm eight years old. I live in Corbally, and let me tell you, it's a really cool place! Every day, I see the River Shannon right from my window, and it's so pretty. Sometimes, I go walking with my dad by the river, and we spot ducks and swans. It's so much fun!

There's also this big, old church near my house called St. Munchin's Church. My mom says it's very old and very special. I like it because it's super tall, and it looks like a castle!

Oh, and there's also the Corbally Baths. It's not a bath like in your house, but a big swimming place. I'm learning to swim there. I can't wait to swim like a fish soon!

I love being a part of Corbally. From the river to the church to the Baths, there's always something interesting to see. I can't wait to share more about my adventures with you. Bye for now!

  1. What's the name of the river Vinnie can see from their window?
  2. What animal does Vinnie often spot by the River Shannon?
  3. Why does Vinnie like St. Munchin's Church?
  4. What is Vinnie learning at the Corbally Baths?
  5. Why does Vinnie love being a part of Corbally?

The Logainm of Corbally

Did you know Corbally is a special name in Ireland? The word Corbally comes from two Irish words - 'Corrb' which means crane, and 'Allaid' which means wild. So, Corbally in English means 'Wild Crane'. Isn't that interesting?

Long, long ago, people in Ireland saw lots of wild cranes in this area, and that's how it got its name! When people saw these beautiful, wild birds, they decided to call the place 'Corbally', and the name has stuck around till today.

Nowadays, you might not see many wild cranes in Corbally, but the name reminds us of the rich history and wildlife that once filled the area. So, the next time you're in Corbally, remember to look out for any cranes - who knows, you might spot one!

  1. What does Corbally mean in English?
  2. How did Corbally get its name?
  3. What does 'Corrb' and 'Allaid' mean in Irish?
  4. What wildlife was common in Corbally long ago?
  5. Why is it important to remember the history of the places we live in or visit?

Slideshow - Corbally
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Corbally