Welcome to Coolcappagh

Coolcappagh is a small townland in County Limerick, Ireland. A townland is a small area of land, smaller than a town. Coolcappagh is like a tiny puzzle piece in the big picture of Ireland!

Long, long ago, people settled in Coolcappagh because it had great farmland. They could grow crops like potatoes and barley and raise animals like cows and sheep. This land has been used for farming for hundreds of years!

The name "Coolcappagh" is very special too. It comes from the Irish language, which is very old and full of magic. In Irish, "Coolcappagh" means "the back of the horse." Isn't that a funny name for a place?

Even though Coolcappagh is small, it's still important. Every place has its story and Coolcappagh's story is about the simple, hardworking people who have lived and farmed there for many generations.

So, nothing famous or big happened there, but that doesn't make it any less special. Sometimes, the smallest places have the biggest hearts, just like Coolcappagh!

  1. What is a townland?
  2. Why did people settle in Coolcappagh long ago?
  3. What does "Coolcappagh" mean in Irish?
  4. Why is Coolcappagh important, even though it is small?
  5. What does the story of Coolcappagh tell you about the people who lived there?

All About Coolcappagh

Coolcappagh, in County Limerick, is a lovely place with lots of exciting things to see and explore. It's in Ireland, surrounded by beautiful green fields and rolling hills, just like a huge, natural playground!

One of the main streets is Coolcappagh Road, where you can see pretty houses, friendly people, and maybe even a playful dog or two. The area is also full of wonderful plants and animals. You might spot birds like robins and sparrows, animals like rabbits and foxes, and trees like oak and ash. Isn't it cool to think of all the different creatures living there?

You won't find mountains in Coolcappagh, but there are many small hills and valleys. Running through these are clear, gurgling streams - perfect spots for a picnic or to play by on a sunny day.

If you go exploring, you might notice the street signs, post boxes, and benches. These are called 'street furniture'. They're not for sitting on or mailing letters to friends, but they help us know where we are and make the place look nice.

Remember, when you're out and about in Coolcappagh, always respect nature and have fun exploring!

  1. What are some of the animals and plants you might see in Coolcappagh?
  2. Describe the landscape of Coolcappagh.
  3. What is 'street furniture' and what does it help us with?
  4. Using a map, can you find Coolcappagh Road and describe its location in relation to the rest of Coolcappagh?
  5. Go for a walk around Coolcappagh (with an adult) and find something of geographical interest. Describe what you found and why it's interesting.

My Family and Coolcappagh

Hi, I'm Sam and I'm 8 years old. I live in Coolcappagh, Co. Limerick. It's a really cool place! We have lots of green fields to play in and some hills to climb. I like climbing the highest one because I can see everything from there. I can even see the Coolcappagh Forest Park. It's full of tall trees and sometimes I see deer there. It's so exciting!

My friends and I like to go exploring. There's a mysterious old well near my house. We make up stories about it. Sometimes it's a wishing well, sometimes it's a secret entrance to a fairy world. It's fun to imagine things like that.

There's a small lake, too. It's really pretty and sparkles when the sun shines. We often have picnics there. Mummy packs sandwiches and my favourite, apple juice. I love my home in Coolcappagh. It's the best place to grow up!

  1. What is Sam's favourite activity in Coolcappagh?
  2. What can Sam see from the top of the highest hill?
  3. What stories does Sam and their friends make up about the old well?
  4. What does Sam's mum pack for their picnic by the lake?
  5. Why does Sam think Coolcappagh is the best place to grow up?

The Logainm of Coolcappagh

Coolcappagh is a beautiful place in County Limerick, Ireland. But have you ever thought about what the name Coolcappagh means? It's an Irish name! In Irish, it's spelled CĂșil Cheapach, which means "the corner of tillage or cultivated land". So, Coolcappagh is a place where people have been growing crops for a very long time!

Long ago, people would have used this land to grow their food. They would have ploughed the fields and planted seeds, then watched as the plants grew. They would have harvested the crops and used them to feed their families. This is where the name Coolcappagh comes from. It's a reminder of the people who lived here a long time ago and worked hard to grow their food.

Today, Coolcappagh is still a place where people live and grow things. Even though we have modern ways of farming now, the name Coolcappagh reminds us of the old ways of doing things. And that's pretty cool, don't you think?

  1. What does the name Coolcappagh mean in English?
  2. Where does the name Coolcappagh come from?
  3. What would people have done a long time ago in Coolcappagh?
  4. How does the name Coolcappagh link to the present day?
  5. Why do you think it's important to remember the old ways of doing things, like the people in Coolcappagh did?

Slideshow - Coolcappagh
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Coolcappagh