Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Cloverfield, Co. Limerick 60 minutes Books, Internet for research Introduction to the history of Cloverfield and the origin of its name Activity 1: Research on the origin of Cloverfield's name Activity 2: Discussion on how the area has changed over time Activity 3: Group work to create a timeline of Cloverfield's history Summarize the history of Cloverfield and its name Assess the timelines created by groups
2. Notable Person 60 minutes Books, Internet for research Introduction to a notable person from Limerick Activity 1: Research on the notable person's life Activity 2: Discussion on why this person is notable Activity 3: Create a biographical sketch of the person Summarize the life and achievements of the notable person Assess the biographical sketches
3. Natural Geography 60 minutes Maps, Internet for research Introduction to Cloverfield's natural geography Activity 1: Identify natural features on the map Activity 2: Discussion on how these features affect life in Cloverfield Activity 3: Create a poster of Cloverfield's natural geography Summarize Cloverfield's natural geography and its effects on life Assess the posters created by students
4. Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps, pencils Introduction to mapping skills Activity 1: Draw a map of Cloverfield Activity 2: Identify key features on the map Activity 3: Create a key for their map Summarize the importance of mapping skills Assess the maps created by students
5. Biodiversity 60 minutes Books, Internet for research Introduction to biodiversity in Cloverfield Activity 1: Identify different species in Cloverfield Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of biodiversity Activity 3: Brainstorm ways to protect biodiversity in Cloverfield Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection Assess the students' understanding of biodiversity
6. Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Introduction to using local area as art inspiration Activity 1: Draw or paint a scene from Cloverfield Activity 2: Create a sculpture with natural materials Activity 3: Create a collage using photos or pictures of Cloverfield Discuss the artworks created and the inspiration behind them Assess the artworks created by students