Welcome to Cloverfield

Once upon a time, in the beautiful county of Limerick, there's a charming little townland called Cloverfield. Cloverfield is like a hidden treasure box full of history and stories.

Believe it or not, Cloverfield wasn't always known by that name. Long, long ago, it was called Ballydonohoe, but the name was changed to Cloverfield in the 19th century. The new name was inspired by the vast fields of clover that beautifully decorated the landscape.

The people living in Cloverfield have always been farmers. For centuries, they've been growing crops and raising animals. You know, cows, sheep, and chickens, just like on a storybook farm! The whole townland is surrounded by green, rolling hills and lots of trees.

Even though Cloverfield may seem small, it's always been a part of important moments in history. Did you know that during the Great Famine in the 1840s, the people of Cloverfield showed great bravery and strength? They worked together to support each other, and their unity helped them get through those tough times.

So, Cloverfield isn't just a townland; it's a symbol of unity, strength, and the beauty of nature. We can learn so much from its history and the people who have lived there. Isn't that amazing?

  1. What was Cloverfield called before its name was changed in the 19th century?
  2. What inspired the new name, Cloverfield?
  3. What kind of work do the people of Cloverfield do?
  4. How did the people of Cloverfield show unity and strength during the Great Famine in the 1840s?
  5. What can we learn from the history and people of Cloverfield?

All About Cloverfield

Cloverfield is a lovely little village in County Limerick, Ireland. It's a beautiful place, filled with lots of interesting things to see and learn about. One of the great places in Cloverfield is the popular Main Street, where you'll find all the shops! Cloverfield is a treasure chest of natural beauty. From the lush green fields to the sparkling River Deel that flows through, it's like stepping into a storybook. The river is home to friendly ducks and fishes. If you're lucky, you might even spot a playful otter! The area is also known for its beautiful plants and animals. You can often see cows and sheep grazing in the fields. In the spring, daffodils and bluebells add splashes of color to the landscape. The village is also famous for its charming stone bridges. They're like gateways to a different world, and each one has a story to tell. There's even an old water pump on the Main Street, reminding us of the time when people had to pump their water from the ground. So, Cloverfield isn't just a village, it's an adventure waiting to be discovered!

  1. What types of animals can you find in Cloverfield?
  2. Describe the natural beauty of Cloverfield.
  3. Using a map, can you identify the River Deel and Main Street in Cloverfield?
  4. What man-made features are mentioned in the description of Cloverfield?
  5. Explore Cloverfield yourself, either virtually or in-person. Can you find an interesting geographical feature not mentioned in the text?

My Family and Cloverfield

Hi! I'm Riley and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Cloverfield Co. Limerick. It's really fun growing up here. There's this big park near my house where I go to play with my friends. We climb on the jungle gym and sometimes we even have picnics there!

My favourite place is the Cloverfield Centre. It's a big building with a library and a swimming pool. I love going to the library because I really like to read. And the swimming pool is great, especially in the summer when it's hot. I've been learning how to swim and I can even do the dog paddle now!

There's also an old castle nearby. It's called Cloverfield Castle and it's really old. We went there once on a school trip and it was so cool. I felt like a knight in shining armor!

I also love the festivals we have in Cloverfield. There's the Spring Festival where we have lots of fun games and food. And then there's the Winter Festival where we have a big bonfire and sing songs. I love living in Cloverfield Co. Limerick, it's the best!

  1. What is Riley's favourite place in Cloverfield Co. Limerick and why?
  2. What activities does Riley do at the park with his friends?
  3. What does Riley learn at the Cloverfield Centre?
  4. Can you describe Riley's experience at the Cloverfield Castle?
  5. What are some of the festivals that take place in Cloverfield Co. Limerick?

The Logainm of Cloverfield

Cloverfield is a special place in County Limerick, Ireland. The name 'Cloverfield' is an English version of its Irish name 'Gort na Seamróg'. In English, 'Gort na Seamróg' means 'Field of the Clover'. A clover is a small but pretty plant with three leaves, and sometimes, if you're really lucky, you might find one with four leaves! These are said to bring good luck.

Long ago, this place might have had many clovers. That's why the people who lived there named it 'Field of the Clover'. It's like if you lived in a place full of apple trees, you might call it 'Apple Tree Field'.

Today, even though we don't know if there are still many clovers in Cloverfield, we still use the same name. That's because names of places, or 'logainm' as we say in Irish, help us remember the history and stories of that place. Even if the clovers are gone, the name 'Cloverfield' reminds us of the time when there were lots of them!

  1. What does 'Cloverfield' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the place was named 'Field of the Clover'?
  3. What is a 'logainm'?
  4. How does the name 'Cloverfield' help us remember the history of the place?
  5. Can you think of another place name that might tell us something about what that place was like long ago?

Slideshow - Cloverfield
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Cloverfield