Here's your set of six individual lesson plans: ```html
Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Clonmel Co. Tipperary 60 minutes History books, Internet Access Introduction to the history of Clonmel and the origin of its name. Activity 1: Researching the history of Clonmel. Activity 2: Creating a timeline of significant events. Activity 3: Group discussion on the town's historical significance. Recap on the town's history and the importance of understanding our past. Students will be assessed based on participation and the quality of their timeline.
2: Notable Person - Laurence Sterne 60 minutes Biographies, Internet Access Introduction to Laurence Sterne, a notable writer born in Clonmel. Activity 1: Reading excerpts from Sterne's works. Activity 2: Discussion on Sterne's influence. Activity 3: Role-playing scenes from Sterne's life. Discussion on Sterne's contribution to literature and legacy. Students will be assessed based on participation and understanding of Sterne's significance.
3: Geography of Clonmel Co. Tipperary 60 minutes Maps, Internet Access Introduction to the geographical features of Clonmel Activity 1: Identifying geographical features on a map. Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of these features. Activity 3: Mini project on one geographical feature. Review of the geographical features of Clonmel and their significance. Students will be assessed based on participation and the quality of their mini project.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Rulers, Pencils Introduction to mapping skills and their importance. Activity 1: Learning about map symbols. Activity 2: Creating a simple map of Clonmel. Activity 3: A treasure hunt using a map. Recap on the importance of mapping skills and their practical use. Students will be assessed on their understanding of map symbols and their map of Clonmel.
5: Biodiversity of Clonmel Co. Tipperary 60 minutes Field guides, Notebooks, Pencils Introduction to biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Identifying local flora and fauna. Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of biodiversity. Activity 3: Creating a poster about protecting biodiversity. Discussion on what was learned about biodiversity and how we can protect it. Students will be assessed based on their participation and the quality of their poster.
6: Visual Arts - Local Inspiration 60 minutes Art supplies Introduction to using the local area as inspiration for art. Activity 1: Sketching a local landmark. Activity 2: Creating a collage using local materials. Activity 3: Painting a local landscape. Discussion on how the local area can inspire art. Students will be assessed based on their creativity and the effort put into their artwork.
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