Welcome to Clonmel

Clonmel is a fun and interesting townland in County Tipperary, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish words 'Cluain Meala', which means 'honey meadow'. Doesn't that sound sweet?

Long ago, in the 1200s, a big stone wall was built around the town to keep it safe. It was important because it was a trading place where people came from all around to swap goods like wool and food. Imagine, kids from all over bringing their toys for a giant swap meet!

One exciting thing happened in Clonmel in 1650. A famous general named Oliver Cromwell tried to capture the town during a war. But the brave people of Clonmel were not easily defeated. They fought hard and Cromwell could not take over the town. It was a big victory for Clonmel!

Today, Clonmel is known for its beautiful river, the River Suir, and its lovely orchards. They even make a special kind of apple cider there. So, Clonmel has a history full of bravery, trade, and sweet treats!

  1. What does 'Cluain Meala', the Irish name for Clonmel, mean in English?
  2. Why was the big stone wall built around Clonmel in the 1200s?
  3. Who tried to capture Clonmel in 1650 and what happened?
  4. How does the story of Clonmel in the 1650s show the bravery of its people?
  5. Why do you think trading was important in Clonmel's history and how might it have shaped the town?

All About Clonmel

Clonmel is a fun and beautiful town in County Tipperary, Ireland. It's like a hidden treasure on the map! The River Suir flows through Clonmel, it's like a big, watery ribbon that makes the town look extra pretty.

There are a lot of wonderful streets in Clonmel but O'Connell Street is one of the most well-known. It's like the town's main hallway, bustling with shops and people. Another special place is the Main Guard, an old building that looks like a castle, where people used to make important decisions.

Around Clonmel, you'll find the Comeragh Mountains. They are tall and grand, like giant green giants watching over the town. You might even spot some cool animals like foxes, badgers, and a variety of birds!

In town, there are lots of trees, flowers, and parks. The flora and fauna (that's a fancy way to say plants and animals) make Clonmel colorful and exciting.

And guess what? Clonmel has lots of interesting lamps, benches, and bins too, which are known as street furniture. They help to make the town look neat and tidy.

So, that's a little bit about the geography of Clonmel. It's a pretty awesome place!.

  1. What is the name of the river that flows through Clonmel?
  2. Describe the Comeragh Mountains and the wildlife you might spot there.
  3. What is the Main Guard and why is it special?
  4. Using a map, can you identify three key geographical features of Clonmel?
  5. Take a walk around Clonmel (or explore it online) and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text. Describe it and explain why you find it interesting.

My Family and Clonmel

Hi there, I'm Niall and I just turned 8! I live in this really cool place called Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. It's in Ireland if you didn't know! Clonmel is super fun because there are so many things to see and do.

One of my favourite places to go is the Careys Castle. It's not really a castle, more like old ruins, but I like to pretend I'm a knight defending my fortress. It's hidden in the woods which makes it even more exciting!

Another place I love is St. Patrick's Well. It's this awesome old well with a pretty waterfall. My mum told me it's a holy place, but I just like to make wishes there and watch the ducks swimming around.

Oh, and I can't forget about the Showgrounds Shopping Centre. It's not as old as the castle or the well, but it has an ice cream shop and that's just as important, don't you think?

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. Clonmel is a great place to grow up, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!

  1. What is the name of the place where Niall lives?
  2. Can you describe one of Niall's favourite places in Clonmel?
  3. Why does Niall like to visit Careys Castle?
  4. What does Niall like to do at St. Patrick's Well?
  5. Why is the Showgrounds Shopping Centre important to Niall?

The Logainm of Clonmel

Once upon a time, in the beautiful land of Ireland, there's a town called Clonmel in County Tipperary. Clonmel is an Irish word, or 'logainm', which means 'honey meadow' in English. The name comes from the Irish words 'Cluain' which means meadow and 'Meala' which means honey. Clonmel must have been a sweet place, just like honey!

Long time ago, people named places based on what they saw around them. Maybe, there were lots of bees buzzing around meadows in Clonmel, making tasty honey. Or perhaps, the flowers in the meadows were as sweet as honey. Isn't it fun to imagine?

Today, Clonmel is known for many things, like the Clonmel Greyhound Stadium and the Clonmel Apple Fest. But every time someone says 'Clonmel', it's a reminder of those sweet honey meadows from long, long ago.

  1. What does the name 'Clonmel' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the town was named Clonmel?
  3. What are some things that Clonmel is known for today?
  4. Can you think of why people long ago might have named places after things they saw around them?
  5. What would you name a town if you could, and why?

Slideshow - Clonmel
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Clonmel