Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Clonakilty Co. Cork 1 hour Books, Internet, Projector Introduce the history of Clonakilty, exploring the origin of the placename
  1. Group discussion on the historical events of Clonakilty
  2. Research project on the origin of the placename
  3. Presentation of findings
Summarize the main points discussed and learnt in the lesson Assess children's understanding through their presentations and participation in group discussions
2. Notable Person: Michael Collins 1 hour Books, Internet, Projector Introduce Michael Collins, a notable person from Clonakilty area
  1. Group reading on the life of Michael Collins
  2. Role-play activity based on his life and achievements
  3. Art activity: Draw a portrait of Michael Collins
Summarize the importance of Michael Collins in Irish history Assess children's understanding through their participation in role-play and art activity
3. Geography of Clonakilty 1 hour Maps, Internet, Projector Introduce the natural geography of Clonakilty, including its rivers, beaches, etc.
  1. Group discussion on the geographical features of Clonakilty
  2. Research project on the geographical features
  3. Presentation of findings
Review the geographical features of Clonakilty discussed in the lesson Assess children's understanding through their presentations and participation in group discussions
4. Mapping Clonakilty 1 hour Maps, Coloured Pencils Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance
  1. Group activity: Identifying key landmarks on a map of Clonakilty
  2. Individual task: Drawing a map of Clonakilty from memory
  3. Group task: Constructing a 3D map of Clonakilty using recyclable materials
Review the importance of mapping and how it helps us to understand our surroundings Assess the children's understanding through their map drawing skills and their participation in group activities
5. Biodiversity in Clonakilty 1 hour Internet, Projector, Field Guide Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance
  1. Outdoor exploration: Identifying different species in the local area
  2. Group discussion: Brainstorming ideas to protect local biodiversity
  3. Individual task: Creating a poster advocating for the protection of local biodiversity
Review the importance of protecting biodiversity and how everyone can contribute Assess children's understanding through their posters and participation in group discussions
6. Art Lesson 1 hour Art Supplies Introduce the idea of using local surroundings as inspiration for art
  1. Outdoor exploration: Looking for inspiration in the local area
  2. Individual task: Creating a piece of art based on the local area
  3. Group discussion: Sharing and discussing their artwork with the class
Review the importance of nature in art and how it can inspire creativity Assess children's understanding through their artwork and their ability to articulate their creative process